Previous Year 1st Semester Questions and Solutions
This website will provide you with university semester questions and solutions. It also includes the selected questions as per NEP Sample Question paper Pattern. read till the end to find all details about the post. Accordingly prepare your examination well. Getting previous year question papers and solution is a boost to your confidence and keeps you relaxed in the examination hall. Also this post will provide you the questions from various universities.
Sample 1st Semester Chemistry Major Question (NEP)
Core - I Chemistry Major (NEP) Sample Question Paper
NEP Question Pattern for Major Subjects with Practical
1 mark X 10 = 10 (all compulsory)
2 mark X 9 = 18
5 mark X 8 = 40 (8 out of 10 questions)
8 marks X 4 = 32 (4 out of 5 questions)
Total = 100 marks
No. 1. (1 X 10 = 10)
a. The orbital with n= 1, l = 0 is _______
b. What is orthogonality of two wave functions?
c. Shape of dx2-y2 orbital is _____
d. Chalcogens present in which group of periodic table?
e. What are representative elements?
f. Formula to calculate bond order is ________
g. Hybridisation of B in BF3 is ______
h. Which element among N, O, and P make strong hydrogen bond?
i. Which sclae of electronegativity uses shielding constant?
j. Conductors and insulators can be differentiaited based on which concept?
No. 2. (2X 9 = 18)
a. Write the possible values of Azimuthal quantum numbers if n = 3.
b. State Pauli's exclusion principle and Hind's rule.
c. Find effective nuclear charge on thee valence electron of calcium,
d. Why second and third period of the periodic table have 8 and 18 electrons?
e. Write two factors and their influence on ionosation energy.
f. Calculate the lattice energy of NaCl from the data given: Disso. enrgy of Cl2 = 242 kj/mol, I.E of Na = 495 kj/mol, E.A of Cl = -348 kj/mol, enthalpy of formation of NaCl is -384 kj/mol.
g. Draw a neat hybrid diagram of C2H4 (ethylene) molecule.
h. How defects in solids help us ?
i. Compare boiling point of ortho and para nitro phenol.
No. 3 (5 X 8 = 40)
a. Derive the radius of electron orbit according to Bohr's theory.
b. Discuss Hund's rule.
c. Define electronegativity and discuss the factors infuencing it.
d. Derive the relation between the radius of an octahedral hole made by 6 anions.
e. Draw and calculate the bond order of oxygen molecule.
f. Discuss the expected and and actual geometry for all possibilities of molecules with steric number (lone pairs + bond pairs) equals to 4.
g. Discuss metalexcess deffect.
h. Explian F - centres and Fool's gold.
i. Define hydrogen bond. What are its applications?
j. What are intrinsic and extrinsic semi conductors?
No. 4 (8 X 4 = 32)
a. How will you explain the covalent character in ionic compounds (Fajan's rule)?
b. Define bond moment and dipole moment. How will you explain the percentage ionic characterfrom dipole moment and electronegativity difference?
c. Discuss with proper example and hybridisation diagram : Structure of XeF2, XeF4, XeF6 and PCl5.
d. Derive Schrodinger's wave equation and write what are eigen functions and eigen values.
e. Draw with neat diagram to determine the bond order and ma gnetic behaviour of N2 and CO molecule.
Before we proceded to sample NEP Chemistry 1st sem Chem Major P-II question you may find the following links useful. Click them.
Imp. questions for CC-I Chemistry NEP
1. Bohr's atomic model and related problems
2. Schrodinger wave equation and significance of psi and psi square, normalised and orthogonal wave function
3. Quantum number
4. de Broglie wave equation
5. Hund's rule 6. Radial and angular nodes.
General trends in: 6. Ionisation energy
7. Electron affinity.
8. Electronegativity.
9. Covalent, ionic and van der Waals radii and
10. Slatter's rule of calculation of effective nuclear charge.
11. Lattice energy
12. Born Lande equation
13. VSEPR theory
14. Hybridisation
15. Resonance
16. MOT
16. Fajan's Rule
17. Dipole moment
18. Percent ionic character
19. Percent ionic character
Core - II Chemistry Major (NEP) Sample
No. 1. (1 X 10 = 10)
a. Z in E/Z notation stands for _______.
b. Which conformation of ethane is most stable?
c. What is the use if Wurtz-Fitting reaction?
d. What is the difference between inductive and electromeric effect?
e. Write two meta directing groups.
f. How does homolytic cleavage occurs?
g. What happens when ethylene undergoes ozonolysis?
h. Draw the structure of D-glucose.
i. What is an epimer?
j. What is the number of stereo isomers in 2-chlorobutan-2-ol?
No. 2 (2 X 9 = 18)
a. What type of orbital delocalisation are present in the hyperconjugation stabilities of tert-butyl cation and 2-butene respectively.
b. Show the figure for two types of carbene.
c. What is the relation of strength and concentration of nucleophiles with nucleophilic substitution reaction?
d. state anti Markonikov rule with example.
e. Write two limitations of Wurtz reaction.
f. Show keto-enol tatutomerism with diagram.
g. What is specific rotation?
h. What do mean by meso compounds?
i. Explain Baeyer's strain theory briefly.
j. Which form of cyclohexane is most stable and why?
No. 3 (5 X 8 = 40)
a. Name and explain the factors which affect the acidic and basic strength of organic compounds.
b. Discuss with example the electrophilic and nucleophilic addition reactions.
c. Write a note on resolution of racemic mixture.
d. What are enantiomers, diastereomers and meso compounds?
e. What are elimination reactions? Discuss teh mechanism and stereochemistry of E2 reaction.
f. Discuss hydroboration and oxidation of alkenes with mechanism.
g. Discuss oxy mercuration - mdemercuration of alkenes with mechanism.
h. What are aromatic, anti aromatic and nonaromatic compounds? give example.
i. Why does side chain halogenation in alkyl benzene takes place preferentially at a position alpha to the aromatic ring?
j. Why is alkoxy group in benzene ring activating and ortho para directing although oxygen is more electronegative than carbon?
No. 4 (8 X 4 = 32)
a. i)Discuss benzenoid and nonbenzenoid aromatic compounds.
ii) What are annulenes?
iii) Friede Craft reaction. [2+2+4]
b. Discuss conformational isomerism in ethane.
c. i)What happens when benzene reacts with propene in presence of sulpohuric acid?
ii) Discuss the limitations of Friedel Craft reaction. [4+4]
d. i) How will you convert acetylene into acetic acid?
ii)What are cyclo alkenes? What happens when 2-methyl cyclohexanol is heated with conc. H2SO4?
iii) An organic compound (X) of formula C4H6 reacts with two molecules of hydrogen, It reacts with ammoniacal silver nitrate to form white precipitate. on treatment with dilute sulphuric acid and mercury sulphate it forms a ketone (Y) with formula C4H8O. What are the structure of X and Y? [2+2+4]
e. Some molecular structure will be given to assign R/S and E/Z notation
Sample Chemistry Major QuestionsCC - II Chemistry(Physical)
No. 1. 1 X 8 = 8a. rms velocity formula is ______b. Define Critical temperaturec. Increasing order of electronegativity O2, F2, C and H2 is ___d. NaCl belongs to which crystal system?e. Define viscosityf. If pH of solution id 4 then hydrogen ion concentration is ___g. Define buffer solutions
No. 2. 1.5 X 8 = 12a. What is common ion effect?b. What is acid - base indicator?c. Na is soft metal but NaCl is quite hard. Whyd. Relate unit cell and space latticee. Write Bragg's equation.f. Why ether and acetone are kept in cool place?g. What is the effect of temperature on surface tension?h. The air pressure of tyre increases slightly when it runs . Why?i. Define average velocity.
No. 3. 2 X 8 = 16a. Write significance of Vander Waals constant a and b.b. Explain correction due to volume in Vander Walls equation.c. Free surface of water is concave but that of
mercury is convex. Explain.
d. What are surface active agents. Explain cleaning action of detergente. Why H2O has higher boiling point than CCl4?f. State Henry's Law of rational indices.g. How X-ray is useful in studying KCl crystal?h. What is Schottky defect?i. Edge length of a cubic lattice is 2.88Angstorm. Density = 7.2 g per cm cube. How many unit cells are present in 100 gram of the metAL?J. What is Ostwald's dilution law
No. 4. onwards 6 marks: State and explain different types of molecular velocities and find relationship between them.ORWhat are real gases? Why they deviate from ideal behaviour? Derive Vander Waals equation.No. 5. Define Vapour pressure? How is it measured? How it varies with temperature?ORHow is viscosity measured by Ostwald's viscometer?What is Reynold's Number? What is its significance?No. 6. Stoichiometric and non stoichiometric defect.ORThermotropic Liquid Crystals.No. 7. What is common ion effect? How it affects solubility and solubility product?What is redox indicator?ORHenderson equation for acidic buffer
Imp. Questions CC - II (Physical):1. Kinetic theory and gas equation 2. Collision frequency 3. Viscosity 4. Maxwell's Distribution of molecular velocities 5. Type of velocities and problems 6. Degrees of freedom 7. Equipartition principle 8. Deviation of real gases from ideal bahaviour. 9. Critical temperature 10. Critical and van der waals constant.
11. Surface tension and viscosity of liquid 12. Smectic, Nematic and Cholestric liquid crystal
12. PH and Buffer, buffer range and capacity 13. Handerson equation 14. Common ion effect
13. Symmetry elements and operation 14. Law of interfacial angles and rotational indices 15. Miller indices 16. Braggs law 17. Defects in crystal
18. Salt hydrolysis 19. Solubility, ionic and solubility product 20. Acid base titration curve
Imp. Questions CC - II (Physical):
1. Kinetic theory and gas equation 2. Collision frequency 3. Viscosity 4. Maxwell's Distribution of molecular velocities 5. Type of velocities and problems 6. Degrees of freedom 7. Equipartition principle 8. Deviation of real gases from ideal bahaviour. 9. Critical temperature 10. Critical and van der waals constant.
11. Surface tension and viscosity of liquid 12. Smectic, Nematic and Cholestric liquid crystal
12. PH and Buffer, buffer range and capacity 13. Handerson equation 14. Common ion effect
13. Symmetry elements and operation 14. Law of interfacial angles and rotational indices 15. Miller indices 16. Braggs law 17. Defects in crystal
18. Salt hydrolysis 19. Solubility, ionic and solubility product 20. Acid base titration curve
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