Notes on Industrial Chemicals and Environment

K. Pratap
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Notes on Industrial Chemicals and Environment 

Q-1 : What are industrial gasses? How can you classify them? What are the areas of use of these gases?


A gas or a mixture of gasses which in general remain in gaseous state at ambient temperature and pressure specifically manufactured for industry is (are) called industrial gasses.

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 Industrial gasses can be classified based on their uses such as medical gasses, fuel gasses, refrigerant gasses, welding gasses, breathing gasses, etc.

Elementary gasses:

Gasses like H2, N2, O2, F2, noble gasses etc. which are or can be obtained from natural gasses are collectively called as elementary gasses.

Liquefied gasses:

Gasses which are produced from air: LIN (Liquefied Nitrogen), LOX (Liq. Ox.), LAR (Liq. Argon)

Gasses which are produced from other sources: Liq. CO2. Liq. H2, Liq. He

Gas mixture from hydrocarbon Feedstock: LNG (Liq. natural gas), LPG (Liq. Petroleum Gas)

Compound Gasses: NH3, CO, N2O, SO2, Ethene, Ethane, Butane, Propane, HCl, NH3, SF6 etc.

Areas of use of industrial gasses:

Aerosol propellants, Fire fighting gasses, Laboratory and instrumentation, refrigerant, industrial water treatment, lifting gasses, cryogenics, Coolants, food processing, medical gasses, welding gasses, metallurgy

Q-2: Discuss the Manufacture, properties, uses and hazards of Oxygen, nitrogen and Argon.

Solution: Manufacture, properties, uses and hazards of Oxygen:

Two mostly used methods of preparation are: Electrolysis of an aq. solution of dilute sulphuric acid and the fractional distillation of liquid air.

Mfg. of  O2 from liquefied Air:

Liq. air broadly contains N2 and O2. Since nitrogen is more volatile due to lower B.P evaporates first out of the liq. mixture. As because the B.Ps of the two gasses are closer they are separated through fractional distillation. 

    The evolved mixture of gasses (N2 + O2) is passed through a rectifying column. O2 condenses and almost pure N2 leaves at the top of column. 

Properties of Oxygen: It is:

- colourless gas

- slightly heavier than air

- sparingly soluble in water

- difficult to liquefy due to very low B.P of - 183 degree centigrade

- pale blue col and appreciably magnetic

Uses of oxygen:

- In combustion and respiration

- as dissolved oxygen for aquatic life

- as hydrogen or coal gas

- as a component of anesthetic gas along with N2O

Hazards of O2:

- since it is inflammable, pressure and temperature should be monitored in safest range.

- During transfer from one vessel to another vessel monitoring is almost essential to avoid adiabatic heating and fear of fire.

Manufacture, properties, uses and hazards of Nitrogen:

Nitrogen can be manufactured by any one of the following methods:

Mfg. from fractional distillation:

Pure nitrogen gas is obtained from the fractional distillation of liquid air. Nitrogen being most volatile is obtained at the top of the rectifying column. Purity of nitrogen obtained in this method is up to 99.99%.

Pressure swing adsorption method (PSA) :

 In this method an adsorbent is chosen or which the desired gas is adsorbed. The adsorbent may be any materials like zeolite, activated charcoal, molecular sieves etc, which can trap the desired gas preferentially at high pressure.

Polymeric membrane separation:

A permeable membrane made of polymer so designed that it selectively separate (allows) gasses to pass through on their rates of diffusion. the lighter gas pass faster thus N2 gets separated sooner.

Properties of N2:

 -Its boiling point is - 196 degree centigrade.

- it a col.less odourless and tasteless gas.

Uses of N2:

 It is used to:

- prepare fertilizers

- prepare ammonia

- provide inert atmosphere

- preserve food

- be used as refrigerant.

Hazards of N2:

- Its an irritant and high concentration of it causes inflammation in the air ways.

- N2 along with O2 forms NOx gas which creates health hazards.

- These NOx gas are also responsible for smog formation and acid rain.

Manufacture, properties, uses and hazards of Argon:

Mfg. from liq. Air: 

Argon is extracted industrially by the fractional distillation of liq. air. A cryogenic distillation makes the purity of argon to very high grade. 

The mfg of Ar form Kellog Ammonia production process:

Natural gas is processed to have synthetic gasses like CO, CO2, H2 etc. and then N2 gas is added to form ammonia gas. Ar being inert accumulates and hence is separated out.

Properties of Argon:

- Its a colourless, odourless & tasteless gas.

- Its nontoxic and present in atmosphere at a concentration below m1% by volume.

- Its B.P (- 185.9 degree centigrade) is quite close to that of oxygen.

- It is approximately 1.4 times heavier than air and is slightly soluble in water.

- Interestingly its B.P and F.P (- 199.3 degree cent.) are quite closer too.

Uses of Ar:

It is used to:

- create complete inert atmosphere

- sealed atmosphere from other gas in various types of welding process such as TIG (tungsten inert gas in tungsten arc welding) and MIG (metal inert gas or metal arc welding).

- maintain desired percentage of carbon in steel manufacturing by blowing into the molten metal.

- remove dissolved hydrogen form molten aluminium.

- avoid oxidation and avoid reaction with nitrogen in the mfg. of titanium.

- help in the mfg. of zirconium.

- provide high purity inert shield in the mfg. of Si and Ge crystals in semiconductor industry.

- avoid oxidation (displace oxygen) in beverage industry.

- perform cryosurgery (to destroy small area of infected tissues).

Hazards of Ar:

 - Argon can act as asphyxiant by displacing in air to a level lower than required to support life.

- Inhalation of argon in excess may cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting.

Q-3: Discuss cryogenic air separation to obtain gaseous and liquid N2, O2 and Ar (GAN, GAR, GOX and LIN, LAR, LOX).
Solution: Atmospheric Air is a source of many useful industrial gasses. The term Cryogenic refers to cooling to very low temperature. Cryogenic air separation refers to cooling air until it gets liquified and then selectively vaporising gasses according to their boiling points. The boiling points of oxygen, argon and nitrogen are -183, -186 and -196 degree centigrade. Thus the air must be cooled around -200 degree centigrade.
The steps involved in the cryogenic air separation are:
1. Pre treatment, compressing - cooling and removal of water vapour and carbon dioxide from pumped atmospheric air
2. Subjecting air into cryogenic temperature by heat transfer.
3. Distillation of air in cold box
Let us discuss one by one:
1. Pre treatment, compressing - cooling and removal of water vapour and carbon dioxide from pumped atmospheric air:
    The air is passed through filters to isolate dust particles as maximum as possible and then is compressed to nearly 5 to 8 bar. When the air is decompressed, the temperature goes down which help in removing the condensed water. 
    The cooling of the air is further achieved by mechanical refrigeration (Such as heat exchangers) and then CO2 gas is removed using molecular sieves.
    In this step much of the water vapor is condensed and and is removed.
Molecular Sieves: These are crystalline metal aluminosilicates having three dimensional interconnecting network which gives rise to Al-Si tetrahedral pores within which the water vapour, CO2 other gasses like hydrocarbons can be trapped. The type of metal aluminosilicate used is 13X whose pore size remain around 10 angstrom. And the advantage of using molecular sieve is that it can work at normal temperature.
    The gas are adsorbed on the surface of molecular sieves and then are desorbed in the regeneration process.
2. Subjecting air into cryogenic (very low temperature up to -200 degree centigrade) temperature by heat transfer.
    An additional heat transfer and compression - decompression is further achieved, which cools the mixture of gas up to around -200 degree centigrade.
3. Distillation of air in a cold box: In the next step the fractional distillation of the chilled mixture of N2, O2 and Ar is done in a cold box which employs fractionating column.
    Since the boiling point of nitrogen is the lowest, a part of it vaporises first to the top of the fractionating column as the temperature rises to -196 degree centigrade. This vaporised nitrogen is called the gaseous nitrogen (GAN) and is isolated from the top. 
   The part of the nitrogen which gets condensed at the top of the column is drawn as liquid nitrogen (LIN).
     The raw oxygen condenses and is collected at the bottom of the column in the liquid phase. This liquid air which is enriched with oxygen is refluxed (condensed and returned) back to the low pressure region and middle  of the column. From this region gaseous oxygen (GOX) is withdrawn. This is the region from which gaseous argon (GAR) and liquid argon (LAR) are drawn.
    From the bottom most part of the column the liquid oxygen (LOX) is isolated.
Q 4: Discuss manufacture, storage and uses of helium.
Ans: Helium is a chemical element with the symbol He, atomic number 2 and mass number 4. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert, monatomic gas that tops the noble gas group in the periodic table. For the first time it was discovered in the atmosphere in the sun. it is best known for its low density and non-flammable nature.

Manufacture of Helium: It is mainly produced from the natural gas deposits and next to it by fractional distillation.

Natural Gas Extraction: Helium is typically extracted from natural gas deposits. It is a byproduct of the natural decay of radioactive elements, such as uranium and thorium, within the Earth's crust.

Fractional Distillation: Once extracted, helium is separated from natural gas through a process called fractional distillation, which involves cooling the gas mixture to extremely low temperatures, causing it to liquefy. The different components of the gas can then be separated based on their boiling points, with helium being one of the first to vaporize.

Storage of Helium:

Helium is usually stored in specialized containers designed to withstand the extremely low temperatures at which it becomes liquid. These containers are often double-walled and heavily insulated to minimize heat transfer. Helium is also stored in high-pressure cylinders as a gas for various applications.

Uses of Helium:

Cryogenics: Helium is widely used as a cryogenic agent due to its extremely low boiling point (-268.9°C or -452°F). It is used to cool superconducting magnets in MRI machines, particle accelerators, and other scientific equipment.

Welding and Cutting: Helium is used as a shielding gas in welding processes, especially for non-ferrous metals. Its inert properties help prevent oxidation and improve weld quality.

Pressurizing and Purging: Helium is employed to pressurize and purge fuel tanks, rocket engines, and other aerospace systems due to its inertness and low density.

Balloons: Helium is perhaps most famously known for its use in filling balloons, including party balloons, weather balloons, and blimps. Its low density makes it an excellent choice for providing buoyancy.

Leak Detection: Helium is used as a tracer gas in leak detection processes because of its small atomic size and inertness, making it easy to detect even the smallest leaks.

Breathing Mixtures: In certain diving situations and medical applications, helium is mixed with oxygen to reduce the risk of nitrogen narcosis and decompression sickness.

Cooling in Electronics: Helium is used for cooling certain high-power electronic devices, such as semiconductors and superconductors, where traditional cooling methods are inadequate.


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