Fifth Semester University Chemistry: Question Papers and Solutions

K. Pratap
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Semester-V Selection, Question Papers and Solutions

The following are the Fifth Semester University Chemistry Honours Question Papers and Solutions. Go through the links and get ready accordingly. Level of questions and accordingly your preparation can be matched for your better score. CC-XI (Organic + Spectroscopy), CC-XII (Inorganic including Quantum), DSE-I (Polymer Chemistry) and DSE-II (Green Chemistry). Previous year Question Papers can be obtained here from this page. Follow our page for more updates like this:

BSc. Fifth Semester Quantum Chemistry Questions 2024 and solutions:

1. 1 x 8 = 8
a. The surface of zero electron probability in an orbital is called _______.
Ans: Nodal plane
b. The degeneracy of each level of a rigid rotor with free axis having rotational quantum number j is ____.
Ans: 2j+1
c. Among neutral oxygen molecule and oxide ion, who is paramagnetic.
Ans: Neutral oxygen molecule 
d. The structure which is stabler than any one of the resonating structures and explains all the known properties of a molecule is called ______.
Ans: the resonance hybrid
e. The spectral range of microwave spectra is _______.
Ans: 300 MHz to 300 GHz
f. As per the principle of vibrational spectra of polyatomic molecule, the total number of vibrational degrees of freedom of CO2 molecule is _____.
Ans: 4
g. The selection rule for Stoke's line in rotational raman spectra is ______.
Ans: Δj = +2, where J is rotational quantum number.
h. The substance responsible for stoping fluorescence are called _____.
Ans: Quencher

2. 1.5 x 8 = 12
a. State orthogonal wave function 
Ans: Two wave functions are said to be orthogonal if their inner product is zero. i.e., integration of the product of two wave functions over welcome space is equal to zero.
b. What is zero point energy? 
Ans: The Litt possible energy that a quantum mechanical system can have is called the zero point energy.
c. State any one postulate of quantum chemistry.
Ans: Postulate 2: For every observable in quantum chemistry there is a corresponding linear, Hermitian operator in quantum chemistry.

Fifth Sem CC Hons XI - 2022 (Organic and spectroscopy)

Some very important questions you must prepare for CC – XI are as follows:

Discuss the various types of transitions which occur in UV region

Chromophore and Auxochrome

Blue and Red shift

Bathochromic and Hypsochromic effect

Effect of polar solvent on Ï€ to Ï€* and n to Ï€* transition

λ max from Woodward Fieser rules

Basic principle of IR spectroscopy

Modes of vibrations in diatomic and polyatomic molecules

Finger print region in IR spectroscopy

Effect of hydrogen bonding in IR spectrum

Chemical shift

Number of signals and their ration in NMR

Spin – Spin coupling

Shielding mechanism

McLaferty reaarangement

Metastable ion

Elucidation of structure of Maltose

Structure of Starch and Cellulose

Cyclic structure of D (+) glucose


Killiani - Fischer synthesis

Ruff degradation

Frequently universities are changing their syllabus for upgrading quality education. So get your syllabus first and then find which part of the question matches with your syllabus.

Some very important questions you must prepare for CC – XII are as follows:

Derive Schrodinger wave equation from postulates of quantum theory

What is quantization of energy levels?

Zero point energy

Wave function of a particle in one dimensional box and its normalization

MOT diagrams of molecules

Formation and stability of hydrogen molecule based on VBT

Relation between vibrational frequency and energy of a harmonic oscillator and zero point energy

P, Q, R branches in vibrational spectra

Rotational energy of diatomic molecule considering as rigid rotator

Raman Effect and Raman spectra

Stokes and Anti stoke lines

Franck – Condole principle

Born Openheimer approximation

Morse potential

Quantum Yield

Basic laws of photochemical reaction



Photosensitised reaction

If you want to help your friends find questions of other universities, you may mail the pdf file of your University questions to or

Chem Hons CC XII- 2022 (Quantum, MOT, Spectro

Some very important questions you must prepare for DSE - I are as follows:

Classification of polymerization

Functionality of polymers

Synthetic polymers

Inorganic polymers

Degree of polymerization

Kinetics and mechanism of addition polymerization

Kinetics and mechanism of step growth polymerization

Difference between addition and condensation polymerization

Crystalinity and Crystalisability, Factors affecting crystalisability

Effect of temperature and pressure on chain polymerization

Molar masses of polymers

Viscometry method of determining molar mass pf polymers

Polydispersity index

Glass transition temperature and factors affecting it

Solubility of polymers, Factors affecting Solubility, solubility parameters of polymer and solvent

Preparation and uses of Nylon-6, Nylon – 6,6, Polystyrene, Bakelite, Novolac, Polyamides


Conducting polymers

DSE -I 2023 (Polymer)

DSE II 2023 (Green Chem)

Find DSE (Polymer Chemistry) below:


Some very important questions you must prepare for DSE - I are as follows:

Twelve principles of green chemistry

Super critical CO2 as a green solvent

Crown ethers

Phase transfer catalyst

Designing of green synthesis

Green synthesis of compounds like paracetamol, methyl methacrylate and other important compounds

Diels – Alder reaction

Hoff man elimination in aqueous medium,

Sustainable development and green chemistry

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