Sets of Instructions followed in Chemistry Laboratory

K. Pratap
By -

Sets of Instructions in Chemical Laboratory 

A chemical laboratory is a place of serious work where careful works like preparation, identification and estimation of chemical substances is accomplished. Anyone inside the chemical laboratory must know the proper use of the equipments and the precautions to be observed.
    A chemical laboratory is usually equipped with the following:
1. Demonstration table near the writing board where demonstrator demonstrates an experiments.
2. Studen's working table having reagent self, side shelves, burette and pipette stand, gas tap, water tap, sink, waste box, fume cupboard, weighing machine, exahaust fans, first aid box and fire extinguishers.

Apparatus used in the laboratory:

 1. Before performing an experiment, understand it and put questions to your teachers or demonstrators if ou have any doubts. Never attempt unknown reactions.
2. Perform experiments honestly without thinking of the result.
3. Plan to finish an experiment in a stipulated period. Utilise the time of filtration or heating in doing other jobs related to that xperiment.
4. Be economical with reagents and bear in your mind " A pinch of salt or 1 ml of test solution". Be economical with water and fuel gas also. Close water and gas taps just after use.
5. Wear apron, hand gloves ang protective goggles whereever necessary.

6. Be careful of acid spils. Close the reagent bottles soon after you take out chemicals. In case of accidental acid spill on table clean in after the experiment is over. Report any small injury to your teacher.
7. Clean the apparatus after experiment.
8. Handle concentrated acid with proper techniques.
9. Avoid being fined for careless breaking of instruments,
10.  Do not touch chemicals with naked hands unless you are directed.
11. Do not taste chemicals unless you are directed.
12. Do not pour the leftover chemicals into the stock bottles otherwise it will contaminate the stock solutions.
13. Do not place the stopper or dropper on the working table.
14. Avoid bringing flammable liquids like alcohol near flame.
15. Burning match sticks must not be thrown into the waste box.
16. Side shelves are common to all students, so do not bring chemicals from there to your table, instead go there, take out chemicals and place reagent bottles at the right places without disturbing the alphabetical order.

This post will regularly be improved with additional details. Kindly share with your friends.

Image Credit:
1. female chemist:
2. Chemical Apparatus:
Chris Evans, Dr. Roger Peters, Dr. Mike Thompson, Chris Gadsby, Ken Partridge, Roy Mylan, Yehoshua Sivan, Tom Nation, Dr. David Follows, Vikash Hemnath Seeboo, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

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