Notes On Gaseous State This page provides you all details about the gaseous state of BSc standard. Concerned problems will be solved at the end of each concept. Continue till the end to find the easiest explanation of every concept you need in this regard . Postulates of Kinetic Theory of Gases: 1. All gas consist of a very large number of minute particles, called molecules. 2. The gas molecules are extremely small in size and are separated by large distance. The actual volume of the gas molecules is thus negligible as compared to the total volume occupied by the gas. 3. The pressure exerted by the gas is due to the bombardment of the molecules on the walls of the vessel. 4. The gas molecules collide with one another and also with the walls of the vessels. These collisions are perfectly elastic and there is no loss of energy during these collisions. 5. The distance between the gas molecules are very large. Thus, there is no effective force of attraction or r
Modern ABC of Chemistry 2019 - 20 edition is good for 2021 !?
It has always been a matter of speculation to choose a good text book for study. On the way of building the graeat beam of the career like intermediate (+2 Science / Class 11th and 12th) one must be very carefull in choosing the study materials. On the other hand, parents often try to save money by compensating with old books if available. Definitely, if an old book is sufficient then there is no need to buy a new one. A good text book must have the follwing charactristics:
1. Continuity in the flow of concept. A systematic explaination of the concept is highly needed to make them acessible.
2. Easy derivation and explaination.
3. Numericals for each part of the topic including previous year questions and corresponding entrance based questions (recent years entrance basaed questions must be added).
4. Higher order thinking skills must be included at the end of a topic which will take one to the entrance corner.
5. Interesting facts related to a concept must be there for the motivation of students.
Based on such requirements in chemistry books, Pratap Sir ranks the follwing text books in decreasing order:
1. Pradeep's New Course Chemistry (Dr. S.C. Khetrapal and Dr. S.N Dhawan) [Rating : All good]
2. Kalyani Publishers Chemistry (Sharma, Nanda, Das) [Rating : All good except in the development of numericals or problems]
3. Modern ABC of Chemistry [Rating : All good except in the development of easy explaination and entranced based question]
Modern ABC of Chemistry 2019 - 20 edition is good for 2021, its true.
4. V.K Publication (Srivastava, Jain, Behera) [Rating : All good and the best thing is it may come to rank 2 in 3/4 years. Entrance corner needs to be developed.]
5. Bureau's higher secondary chemistry (By CHSE, Odisha) [Needs several development]
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