Generic Elective Chemistry - I Question Papers and Solutions

K. Pratap
By -

Generic Elective Chemistry- Paper I

    Students of different honours often find it difficult to get G.E (Generic elective) chemistry question papers and solution. This post will help you meet all your needs by bringing you the most probable questions (Long and Short) in GE -I chemistry. Read to the end carefully and find important links.

        The GE - I (Chemistry) consists of two parts : Inorganic and Organic. Several most probable question have been prepared from both of these sections. Prepare all the long questions and automatically you will be able to answer the short questions. Most probable short questions are given is another link below.
              Now a days, direct chemistry questions are not asked rather asked from bit by bit. Hence you have to read and memorize the concept clearly. If you want to get GE - I chemistry full course lecture, then download our App  from Play Store by searching Soul of Chemistry. Click here to get our App. previous
Before you see  year question papers , let us discuss what are the important expected questions:
Most probable questions:
1. Write the postulates of Bohr's atomic model. Derive the formula for the total energy of an electron in a Bohr's orbit.
2. Discuss quantum numbers.
3. Derive Schrodinger's wave equation. What are orthogonal wave functions?
4.Write short otes on:
Aufbau Principle
Hund's rule
5. Write short notres on pauli's exclusion principle
6. What are the significance of Ψ and Ψ2 ? Draw the radial probability curve for 1s, 2s and 3s orbitals. What are radial nodes?
7. Calculation of lattice energy using Born Haber's cycle + a related problem
8. Fajan's rule and applications
9. What is hybridisation? Practice the hybridisation structure of following compounds:
CH4, C2H6, C2H2, H2O, NH3, XeF2, XeF4, XeF6, XeOF2, XeOF4, PCl5, SF6, IF7 etc.
10. Postulatess and table for regular and irregular gemotry in VSEPR theory
11. Draw the MOT diagram and calculate bond order for: N2, O2, CO, NO, He2, O2+, O2-, O2 2- etc. Comparing stability of a molecule or ion.
12. What is inductive effect? Acidic and basic strength comparision.
13. Write short notes on:
Electromeric effect
hyperconjugation effect.
14. What is carbocation? Discuss the formation , stability and structure.
15. Discuss conformational isomerism in ethane/ butane/ cyclohexane.
16. Assigning R/S or E/Z notation of organic compounds.
17. Preparation of alkanes with mechanism. 
Wurtz reaction and mechanism
Kolbe's synthesis
18. Discuss Markownikoff's and antimarkownikoff's rule
19. preparation of Cis alkenes (hydogenation) and trans alkenes (Birch reduction)
20. Difference between Saytzeff and Hoffman elimination.
21. Ozonolysis of alkenes and alkynes. Addition of bromine and KMnO4 to alkynes.

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  1. More previous year last 5 years question.. helpful..sir

    1. Please sir give the 2019 ge chemistry question paper with answer.

    2. Very easy language for a student to understand 👍

  2. Soon it will be made available

  3. All the best

  4. All the best

  5. Thank you so much sir for your hard work. Respect from Baringia.

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