First Round Selection and Admission into Degree (+3) Colleges, Odisha: Details
In general, students get confused regarding the admission process. This post will clear all the doubts related to the first round selection and admission process. Accordingly continue till the end.
Login to the SAMS (Students Academic Management System) website and follow the following instructions:
1. Click on "Degree (+3)" option available on the home page and below the Higher Education.
2. Click on "Existing Student, Login" option which wll open the student login page
3. Enter your registered mobile number and password (Sent to you through SMS to the same registered mobile number and Email when you were applying)
4. Enter the Captcha in the respective box and click on "Sign in"
5. You will find your account, then click on "Intimation Letter"
6. You will find selection information like this:
7. Next, click on "Proceed to pay" and pay the given amount online through SBI or UCO bank.
8. You will get your Intimation Letter and the date and time of reporting at the destination (selected) college.
9. Go to your Higher Secondary (+2) college where you studied and get your CLC and Conduct Certificate. Keep with you 4/5 passport sized photocopies, your adhar card, caste certificate if any, any weightage like NCC certificate to produce whereever necessary.
10. As because marksheets of higher secondary examination has not been issued by the CHSE (Council of Higher Secondary Education), you may give an undertaking application to the principal of degree (+3) college mentioning late submission of the marksheet at the time of admission. In case there will be modification in the certificate verification process, soon it will be mentioned here.
11. Now You can find yourself in the merit list of the selected college by clicking on the "Merit List" option.
12. From the cutoff marks, your mark and the mark percent of other selected students, you can predict about the upgradation of your choices in the second round by applying little intuition. Around 70 percent of the total seats are alloted in the first round, hence you may think of the upgradation in yourchoices.
This post is to be further updated. You may ask any doubt in the comment section. Kindly share with your friends.
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SAMS, Odisha
Sir, we have not get our +2 mark sheet. How to get admission
ReplyDeleteSir, we have not get our +2 mark sheet. How to get admission
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, get your Intimation Letter, you will find that +2 or HSC certificate and marksheet are not required for now.