Chemistry honours Semester IV important questions
Before downloading the questions, find some technically selected questions, preparing which your can attempt all short and long questions. Next, you can find previous year questions:
1.Valence bond theory with example
2. Crystal Field theory for octahedral and tetrahedral field separately
3.Light and magnetic property and complex formation of transition elements
4.Separation of lanthanides by ion exchange method
5. Lanthanide contraction and it's affect
6.Structure and function of hemoglobin
7.Function of carbonic anhydrase and carboxy peptidase
1.Carbylamine reaction and mechanism
2.Mannich reaction and mechanism
3. Distribution between primary secondary and tertiary amines
4. Synthetic application of BDC
5.Elucidation of Structure of naphthalene and anthracene
6. Reaction of anthraquinone
7. Elucidation of Structure of nicotine and Hygrine separately
8. Medicinal importance of morphine and quinine
9.Isoprene rule
10.Elucidation of Structure of citral and alpha terpeneol separately.
1.Kohlrausch's Law and its application
2. Specific, equivalent and molar conductance: definition, derivation and Rekha relation
3. Debye Huckel theory of strong electrolyte
4. Determination of transport number using Hittrof method
5.Solubility and solubility product
6.conductometric titration for strong Acid and strong base
7.conductometric titration for weak Acid and strong base
8.Hydrolysis constant of weak acid strong base
9.Hydrolysis constant of strong acid and weak base
10.Liquid junction potential
11.Dipole moment
12.Magnetic susceptibility
Previous Year 4th Semester Chemistry CC - VIII (Inorganic) Questions
Year 2021 (4th Semester appeared in the exam in 2021 instead of 2020 due to COVID)
Solutions will just be posted. Check back later.
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