Concept wise problems and solutions in the Topic "Solution"

K. Pratap
By -

Concept wise problems and solutions 

On the Topic "Solution"

    This post contains Concept wise problems and solutions in the Topic "Solution". We will start with Problems on Concentration, vapour pressure, Colligative properties and then abnormal colligative properties, van't Hoff  factor and Abnormal molar mass.

    Analysing a formula and being able to apply the right formula at the right place is a must for a good student.
    The questions given here are as per the assignments given in our institution. We recomend you practice more similar problems.
1. Calculate the m/v %age of the solution whose strength is 2g/ltr.
2. give an example of ternary solution.
3. What is solid solution. Give example.
4. If mass to volume percentage of a solution is 3% , calculate its strength.

5. What volume of water must be added to one litre of 5% (m/v) solution to make its percentage to 1% ?
Solution: Volume in ml to be added to reduce the concentration of original solution = {%age (m/v) X 1000 } - Volume of original solution.
Thus Volume to be added to 1 litre of 5% solution = 5 X 1000 - 1000 = 4000 ml = 4 ltr.
Assignment: 2
1. how can you prepare 1N H2SO4 Solution?
2. Find the number of gram equivalent of HCl present in 1 ltr of 0.1N solution.
3. What is the relationship between strength and normality?
4. If a solution of NaOH has a normality of 0.5N then what amount of NaOH is present in 1 litre?
5. How wolud you prepare 60 ml of 0.2N JNO3 from a stock solution of 4.0 N HNO3 ?
6. Calculate the amount of Na2CO3 in 200 ml solutionwhich is 0.15N.
7. Calculate the normality of the resulting solution obtained by mixing 200 ml of 0.65 N HCl and 150 ml 0.35 N HCl solutions.
8. What will happen if will add 300 ml water to 500 ml of a solution whose normality is 2N.
9. What volume of 1.05 N/10 HCl solution required to completely neutralize 10 ml of 0.95 N/10   of NaOH solution?
10. What will happen to the reulting soution, if 60 ml of 0.5N NaOH is added to 30 ml of 0.9 HCl solution?

Click on the following link to find videos related to the topic "Solution".


Assignment -3 (Normality, Molarity and Molality):

1.    1. Calculate the molarity of seminormal Na2CO3 solution.

2.   2.  5.85 gm of NaCl is present in 600 gm water. Find the molality.

3.  3. Calculate the molarity, molality and normality of 20% (w/w) of sulphuric acid having density 1.1 g/ml.

4.    4. What volume of 0.25M solution of K2SO4 is required to prepare 2.5 L of a solution of K+ having concentration 0.3M?

5.    5. An aq. solution of ethanol has density 1.025 g/ml and it’s a 8M solution. Calculate its molality. 


Assignment: 4 (Relationship between concentration terms)
1. Molefraction of ethanol in its aq. solution is 0.018. Determine molality of this solution.
2. The density of an aq. solution of CaCl2 is 1.025 g/ml and molefraction of CaCl2 in the soltion is 0.013. Determine molarity of the solution.
3. 70 g of a pure hydrated magnesium sulphate (MgSO4 . nH2O) crystals were dissolved in 90 g of water and molefraction of the solute was found to be 0.039. Determine n (water of crystalisation). [Hints: when solute is added to water the n mole of water pass into the solvent increasing the mass of 90 g of solvent]
4. A soluton of urea in water is 3000 PPM by weight. If density of this solution is 1.04 g/ml, determine the molar strength of the solution.
5. Calculate the molefraction of water and ethanol in 90% (w/w) of aq. solution of ethanol.

Assignment: 5 (Solubility and Henry's law)
1. If N2 gas is bubbled through water at 293 K, how many molimoles of N2 gas will be dissolved in 1 litre of water? N2 gas exert a partial pressure of 0.987 bar and Kh = 76.48 bar at 293 K.
2. If Kh for O2 and N2 at 25 degree centigrade are 3.30 X 10^7 and 6.51 X 10^7 respectively then calculate the ratio of molefraction of O2 and N2 dissolved in water at same temperaturte. (Molar ratio of N2 and O2 in atmosphere = 0.78 : 0.21).
3. Calcium acetate is an exothermic salt. What wil happen to its solubility if temperature of its solution increases?
4. 25 g of saturated solution of a substance in water contains 5 g of solute at 27 degree centigrade. Calculate its solubility at the same temperature.
5. On increasing the temperature solubility of gasses decreases. Dissolution of gas in a solution is exothermic or endothermic process?
6. Atoms X and Y make a solid solution. Size of atoms Y are very small as compared to that of X. What type of solid solution do you ecpect?
7. H2S gas a toxic gas is used for the qualtitaive analysis. If the solubility of water at STP is 0.195m, calculate Henry's law constant?

Assignment: 6 (vapour Pressure, Cluaius Clapyeron equation, Raoult's law) 
1. Raoult's law is a spaecial case of  ________________.
2. The v.p of pure benzene and naphthalene at 300 k are 50.7 and 32.06 mm of Hg respectively. Calculate the mole fraction of benzene in vapour phase if 80 g of benzene is mixed with 100 g of naphthalene.
3. What is boling point? Is it variable?
4. What is the relationship between patial pressure of a component and total pressure?
5. At 40 degree centigrade, the vapour pressure of methyl alcohol - ethyl alcohol solution is represted by: P = 119Xm + 135. ( where Xm = molefraction of methyl alcohol). What are the v.p of pure solvents?
6. Water and nitrobenzene are two immiscible liquids which boil at 372 k and the v.p at this temperature are 97.7 k and 3.6 k pa. repectively. Calculate teh percentage of nitrobenzene in the vapour state.
7. At 90 degree centigrade, the v.p of toluene is 400 torr and that of o - Xylene is 150 torr. What is the composition of liquid mixture that boils at 90 degree centigrade when the pressure is 0.5 atm? What is the composition of vapour produced?


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