Career after Graduation: Preparation from Today (Additional Study along with Graduation Syllabus)

K. Pratap
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 Career after Graduation

    Students often wonder and get confused about what course to take and/or what job is available accordingly, as they get admitted into Graduation. Most of the students wait until they finish their graduation and then become bit hopeless or even frustrated when they fail to choose or decide a right and appropriate career path according to their passion and for their peaceful maintenance of life in future.

    Hence it is advised to become aware about career from today and to choose right career option which will put less stress in future. Students who prepare for corresponding examinations earlier get jobs easily as they finish their course.
    Let us now look into the career options available after simple graduation from any stream (Arts / Science / Commerce) then we will see what career options are available after different branches of BSc (Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics/ Biology / other branches):
Government Jobs:
1. IAS (Indian Administrative Service) / IPS (Indian Police Service): These All India Civil Services of Government of India are the most prestigious services which can be applied by any graduate with required eligibility criteria. The Civil Service examination (CSE) is conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The examination is conducted in three phases - a preliminary examination consisting of two objective type papers, a main examination (9 papers) and then the final interview.

2. IFS (Indian Forest Service): This service is one of the most preferred career option in India, which comes under the Group A Civil Services or central services. The concerned examination is conducted by UPSC and can be applied by any graduate with required eligibility criteria.
Other Group A civil Services of India and corresponding examinations are:
The Indian Foreign Service
The Indian Railway Service
Accounts and Auditing Services
Defence Accounts Services
Indian Customs and Central Excise and others
Central armed police forces (By UPSC) and more ...

3. Group B Civil Services which is recruited through combined graduate level examination (SSC CGL) conducted by Staff Selection Commission:
Armed forces Headquarters Civil Services
Botanical Survey of India
Central Secretariat service
Geological Survey of India
Survey of India
Indian Postal Services
Railway board Secretariat Service
Zoological survey of India and more ...

4. RBI (Reserve Bank of India) Grade B Service: After qualifying the corresponding examination you start your journey with the position of a Manager and then you may be promoted to higher and higher position to The Governor of RBI.
    The Examination is conducted in two phases. In phase I there is a single paper in which you to face questions from English language, Numerical ability, Reasoning, General awareness and in the Phase II there are three papers (Economics and Social issue, English Writing skill, then finance and management)
5. SBI PO(State Bank of India Probationary Officer): When you qualify this examination, you undergo for a training as PO then you may be appointed as a manager in the leading banking sector of India like SBI.
     Here also you have to appear in the two phases of examination, the preliminary and main examination in which you have to face questions from English language, quantitative aptitude, reasoning ability, computer, data analysis, general economy, banking awareness).
6. IBPS (Institute of banking personnel service): This Exam is conducted for the recruitment for the posts of PO, Specialist officer, Clerk etc. in various Government owned banking sectors. Examination pattern is almost similar to that of SBI PO.

9. Railway: According to the salary and comfort this may considered to be the best sector compared to others. Various jobs available in railway after graduation are:
RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) Nontechnical Popular Category (RRB NTPC) in which both graduates and undergraduates can apply are:
Traffic assistant
Senior commercial cum Ticket collector
Senior Clerk cum typist
Junior accountant
Station Master and others.
    The examination consists of 3 stages in which you have to face questions from General awareness and intelligence, Mathematics, reasoning etc.
10. AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test): This examination is conducted by Indian Air force. Graduates who have scored 60% marks in university level in any discipline can apply. Also those who have secured 60% marks in physics and mathematics in the 10+2 level are eligible to apply.
    NCC Air wing Senior Division C certificate holders securing 60% marks in university level and also 60% in both physics and mathematics in 10+2 level are eligible to apply in the flying branch of IAF.
    You Can go for Short Term or Higher Courses after or during graduation to get various excellent jobs in the following areas:
11. Teacher: Any graduate can be a teacher as he gets admitted into and completes his B.Ed. (State or Regional B.Ed.) / integrated B.Ed. and qualify the corresponding teacher education test.

12. Lecturer/ Research Fellow: Any graduate can go for Post Graduation in his concerned honours subject and when he qualifies in National Eligibility Test (NET) then he becomes eligible to be a lecturer or can go for JRF (Junior Research Fellow) if he has the required other eligibility. Some states conduct examination like SLET (state level eligibility test) or state like Odisha recruits PG students as Lecturers through OPSC (Orissa public service commission).
13. Professor: Graduates can also go for Post graduation in their concerned branch and then go for PhD from recognised universities to make a career path in research based institutions.

    14. Other Glowing Career paths for any graduate: Graduates may also choose the following:
Computer Technology
Hospital Jobs
Social Work

15. Management Courses: You can go for higher education in the following fields:
MBA (Master in Business Management)
MCA (Master in Computer Application)
MHM (Master in Hospitality Management)
MHM (Master in Hotel management)
MSW (Master in Social work) and others

    If you want to know further details about any job or career, then let us know in the comment section and do check the page regularly and share with your friends to encourage us to write the best for you.

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