Most Probable Inorganic Chemistry Questions for CHSE

K. Pratap
By -

 Most Probable Inorganic Chemistry Questions: (CHSE +2 Science Class 12th) [All type , Short and long]

The Soul Chemistry

VST - 2 (Inorganic Chemistry)

             F.M: 70                       Time: 3 Hour

Answer all questions from Section - A, ten from Section - B and three from Section - C

Section - A    [1 X 10 = 10]

1.Choose correct answer

a)Which of the following species is not expected to be a ligand?

i)NO                        ii)NH4+                                iii) en                         iv)  Py

b) Which of the following is an ambidentate ligand?

i)NO2-                   ii)CH3COO-              iii)Cl-                           iv) SO42-

c) Which among the following is paramagnetic?

i)Cr(CO)6           ii)Fe(Co)5                   iii)Fe2 (CO)4               iv)V(CO)6        

d) A compound of a metal ion M+x (Z =24) has a magnetic moment   BM. The number of unpaired electrons in compound is:

 i)2                                  ii)4                            iii)5                                    iv) 3

e)The EAN of Chromium in the [Cr(NH3)3 (H2O)3]Cl3 is

i)36             ii) 38                iii)28                   iv)33

f) Which one is an outer orbital complex?

i)[Ni(NH3)6]+2      ii) )[Mn(CN)6]4-      iii) )[Co(NH3)6] +3      iv) )[Fe(CN)6]4-       

g) The number of ions given by [Pt(NH3)2Cl4] is

i)0     ii)1        iii)2       iv)4

h)The coordination number and oxidation state of Cr in K3[Cr(C2O4)3] are respectively

i)3 and +3         ii)3 and 0          iii)6 and +3             iv)4 and +2

i)The purple colour of KMnO4 is due to

i)d-d transition           ii) charge transfer

iii)f-f transition           iii)None

j)Colour of transition metal complexes can be explained by

i) Completely filled d-orbitals     ii) vacant d-orbitals

iii)d-d transition           iv) None of the above

k)The outermost electronic configuration of Gadolinium (Z=64) is

i)4f3 5d5      ii) 4f8 5d06s2      iii) 4f8 5d06s2     iv) 4f8 5d06s2

l)When limestone is heated CO2 gas is liberated. The metallurgical operation is called

i)smelting      ii)reduction      iii)calcination        iv)reduction

m)The ratio of lone pair of electronin XeF6 , XeF4 and XeF2 is

i)1:2:3    ii) 3:2:1    iii)1:3:2   iv)3:1:2

n)Which noble gas has highest and least polarisability

i)He,Xe    ii)Ne,Kr    iii)Kr,Ne   iv)Xe, He

o)XeF2 is isostructural with

i)SbCl3       ii)BaCl2       iii)TeF2      iv)ICl2

2. [1X10=10]

a)The anhydride of Nitrous acid is:

i)NO        ii)N2O5        iii)NO2        iv) N2O3

b) When excess chlorine is passed through ammonia, gives

i)NCl3        ii) NH4Cl       iii) HCl      iv)N2O

c)Sulphur trioxide gas when dissolved in sulphuric acid the product is:

i)H2SO3         ii)  H2SO5         iii) H2S2O7      iv)H2S2O8

d)Which halogen acid is used for the  preparation of aquaregia

i)HF     ii)HCl        iii)HBr      iv)HI

e)The shape of IF7 molecule is:

i)Octahedral         ii)pentagonal bipyramidal

iii)tetrahedral      iv)trigonal bipyramidal

f)Which is the correct order of acis strength

i)HClO  < HClO2  < HClO3 < HClO4

ii) HClO4 < HClO < HClO2 < HClO3

iii) HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4 < HClO

iv) HClO4 < HClO3 < HClO2  < HClO

g)Which acts both as an oxidising and reducing agent

i)SO2     ii)MnO2     iii) Al2O3    iv) CrO3

h)The catalyst used in the manufacture in ammonia is:

i)Fe    ii)V     iii)V2O5        iv) Pt

i)Phosphide ion has electronic structure similar to:

i)Nitride ion       ii)Fluoride ion      iii)Chloride ion    iv)Sodium ion

j)The sulphide ores are generally concentrated by

i)Gravity separation     ii)Froth floatation

iii) Magnetic separation      iv) Liquation


a)Define flux with example

b)What happens when ammonia\um chloride is heated with quicklime?

c)Write the increasing order of bond angle of H2O, H2S, H2Se, H2Te and why?

d)Which halogen do not form oxoacids?

e)why cannot Cl2 bleach dry flowers?

f)What happens when MnO2 is heated with hydrochloric acid?

g)Why NCl5 is not formed?

h)Which complex is more paramagnetic? [Cr(H2O)6]3+ and [Fe(H2O)6]2+

i)Write the IUPAC name of Na2[Si(CN)2(OH)2F2]

j)Define clathrates

Section – B        [2X10=20]

4.a)Explain which one is more stable in aqueous solution, Fe2+ and Fe3+

b)[NiCl4]2-is paramagnetic but [Ni(CN)4]2- is diamagnetic. Explain.

c)Why transition elements can form complex with two examples.

d)What is lanthanide contraction. Write its two consequences

e)Explain why bleaching action of chlorine permanent while that of sulphur dioxide is temporary?

f)Why does xenon form table compounds only with fluorine and oxygen?

g)What happens when sulphur dioxide gas is passed thorough acidified potassium dichromate solution with equation.

h)Define tailing of mercury with equation.

i)Write the difference between double salt and coordination compounds with example.

j)What happens when ammonia gas is passed through copper sulphate solution first slowly then in excess?

k)Define t2g and eg orbital for octahedral complex. Which has higher energy in figure?

l)Write the principle of manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process.

m)Define primary valency and secondary valency with example

n)Define hydrated isomerism with example.

Section – C       [5X3=15]

5.Write the postulates of VBT. What are the limitations?

6.How ozone can be prepared by Seimen’s ozoniser. How does it react with:

i)Pbs      ii)C2H4    and give two uses

7.Define transition elements. Explain oxidation, colour and magnetic properties with example.

8. Writet the general characteristics of group -17 elements.

9.Write short notes on

i) Interhalogen vompounds     ii) Froth floatation method.








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