Ethics and Values for Semester - I, Books, Syllabus, Important Questions and Answers

K. Pratap
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 Ethics and Values for Semester - I, Books,  Syllabus, Important Questions and Answers

    Recently Odisha Universities have introduced a new course named "Ethics and Values" under AECC (Ability enhancement compulsory courses) for all streams (Arts/ Science/ Commerce). Being very new to the syllabus students are confused how to cover it and how to write the answers. Thus this post is for all of them who want to score well in this subject. This post will provide you all important question and answer related to this subject. Also this will provide you the best books to study and score good.
Books, download, questions and solutions

Objectives and learning goals of the course:
1. To develop good human being and responsible citizensF,
2. To develop capability to choose between right and wrong which leads to correct behaviour.
3. To create a positive attitude and to develop healthy work culture.
style="line-height: 35px; text-align: justify;">     Before we proceed let us analyse the question pattern:
Questions carrying 1 mark + 2 mark + 5 mark
    Similarly students from all streams (Arts/ Science/ Commerce) will have to answer a total mark of 125 (in all 6 semesters , 25 X 6 = 125 marks).
    Syllabus of Ethics and values for Semester - I
1. Introduction
2. Women and family
3. Women and work
4. Women, community and society

    Sure Shot Important Questions for Sem - I (Previous year questions in other universities):
Answer in one word or one sentence. (Carrying 1 mark)
1. What type of education is ethics and values?
Ans: Ethics and values education is a branch of education which explicitly or implicitly relate to ethical dimension of life and can be structured, regulated and monitored with appropriate educational methods and tools. 
2. What does moral education promote?
Ans: It promotes the the moral development and character building.
3. What are important factors which degrade values in society?
Ans: Hankering for individual success, individual happiness, self centric, nuclear family, arrogance and nonacceptance of wrong doings are the main cause of degradation in moral values.
4. Write one objectives of ethics and values education.
Ans: The objectives of ethics and values education are: To boost understanding of ethics, awareness, responsibility, kindness, compassion and to avoid degradation of values etc.
5. How is gender equality related to human development?
Ans: Equal opportunities from all aspect, for both men and women create a freedom for all to choose and take decision in case of marriage, reproduction, jobs and makes the path of human development smooth.
6. What is the Gandhiji's version of human education?
Ans: Gandhi's version of human education is "Education is the realisation of the best in man - the body soul and the spirit."
7. What is prenatal sex discernment or prenatal sex determination?
Ans: When parents request and proceed to know the sex of the foetus before birth, this is called prenatal sex determination or discernment.
8. Define the concept paraayaa dhan.
Ans: The concept of considering a girl child just as a guest at her parent's place who is going to live with her in laws after marriage in future is known as the paraayaa dhan.
9. Which districts in Odisha have low sex ratio?
Ans: Nayagarh district of Odisha has the lowest sex ratio (Number of boys per every 1000 boys).
10. What is PCPNDT Act?
Ans: PCPNDT Act stands for Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal diagnostic techniques Act, 1994. It is an act of Parliament of India enacted to stop female foeticides and to pause the decreasing sex ration India.
11. What lesson does the Devan Story indicate you?
Ans: Be wise and clever enough and use your cleverness to help the needy and poor. This is lesson is indicated from Devan story.
12. What change should be entertained to support healthy life of a widow?
Ans: First of all she should not be held responsible for her husband's death and should be freed to think of her next marriage and she should not be considered as an unholy or sinful woman.
13. What is the act relating female foeticide?
Ans: PCPNDT Act stands for Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal diagnostic techniques Act, 1994. It is an act of Parliament of India enacted to stop female foeticides and to pause the decreasing sex ration India.
14. Define gender justice?
Ans: Gender equality can also be regarded as the sexual equality which gives equal opportunities (like economic participation, decision making etc.) and resources to everyone regardless of the gender.
15. What are the traditional method of giving consent in marriage in royal families?
16. What is free consent marriage?
17. What is forced marriage in India according to UK Act?
18. Which act prevent forced marriage in India?                                                              
19. What is honour killing?
20. In which state in India Honour killing is prevalent?
21. Which act in India explains and prevent child marriage?
22. What is the minimum age of marriage for boys and girls in India?
23. In which state of India mass child marriage takes place in Akshaya Tritiya?
Ans: The states in India in which mass child marriage takes place in Akshaya Tritiya are Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and Uttarakhand.
24. What is gendered language?
Ans: Any language which uses words having a bias towards a particular sex such as fireman, policeman etc., are called gendered language.
25. How can we convert the word FIREMAN into a gender neutral word?
Ans: When we convert the gendered word FIREMAN into FIREFIGHTER, that becomes a gender neutral word.

Sure Shot Important 2 mark Questions (Previous year questions in other universities):
1. Explain the key objectives of value education.
Ans: Objectives and learning goals of Value education:
a. To develop good human being and responsible citizens
b. To develop capability to choose between right and wrong which leads to correct behaviour.
c. To create a positive attitude and to develop healthy work culture.
2. How can gender values change the face of our society?
3. How can gender equality ensure social progress?
3. Give example of gender equality in classroom practice.
4. What are the common gender discrimination we observe in our family?
5. What is PCPNDT Act?
6. What lesson does the Devan Story indicate you?
7. What are the factors that deter the position of a women in the society?
8. What do you mean by "double burden of women"?
9. Why is women's work not taken into account in the national GDP Account?
10. What is consent marriage?
11. What is Sarada Act?
12. What changes in attitude and practices may make our home a violence free zone for women?
13. What is forced sterilisation?
14. What measures should be taken in family level to increase girl's representation in STEM?
15. Suggest any two ways to end gender discrimination in workplaces especially at unorganised sectors.
16. What is "Me Too" moment?
Ans: "Me Too" is a social movement where people publicize allegations of sex crimes against sexual abuse and harassment.
17. What is witch craft induced murder?
Ans: There are around 12 states in India in which people suspect certain women as witch and kill them. This heinous crime is termed as witch craft induced murder.
18. What is body shaming?
Ans: The act of humiliating someone by making mockery or critical comments about their body shape is called body shaming. This is bad and destructive for both the boys and girls.
19. How can we bring more women to the employment market?
20. What values should be changed to make our society a gender equal society?

Sure Shot Important 5 mark Questions (Previous year questions in other universities):
1. Discuss the need of moral education in the system of our our education.
Ans: In a recent time, world is witnessing a degradation in moral values. A person with no moral (or a person who is educated in mind only and not from his heart) is a menace or threat to the society. 
    Education which can not boost an all round development (economical / moral/ mental) of an individual is incomplete.
    Based on the two points motioned above, moral education has been the need of the hour, as it helps in the following ways:
i. It teaches diversity, tolerance, mutual respect and makes individual beyond self centric.
ii. It produces a sense of ethics and values.
iii. It enables a person to distinguish between what is goods and what is bad.
iv. It brings honesty, responsibility and respect for to others.
v. It enables a person to live a healthy and peaceful life and enables to become contributing and productive.
2. What is gendered based socialisation? What steps can be taken to stop it?
3. Explain the term "Culture of Silence".
4. What is Dowry? Discuss from your own point of view.
5. What do you mean by FGM? How is this a barbaric practice?
6. What are the issues women face at work place. What measures can be taken to curb such ailments?
7. Mention and explain five good gender related values.
8. What is honour killing? How can you stop it?
9. What is visible and invisible work. Explain with example.
10. Explain the term "Gender Justice" with example.

Soon other previous year questions and the solutions will be posted. So open the link regularly and get updated,

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