Important Questions for Third Semester Chemistry Honours
=> Various methods of refining
=> Ellingham diagram
=> HSAB principle
=> Anomalous behaviour of first member of any group
=> Inter pair effect
=> Hydrides of s/p block elements
=> Crown ethers
=> Diborane
=> Inorganic benzene (Borazine)
=> Oxides and photos of nitrogen
=> Silane
=> Pseudo halogens
=> Carboranes
=> Boric acid
=> Methods of preparation, properties and structures of compound of xenon.
=> Silicone and siloxanes
=> Silicates
=> Phosphagenes
=> Nucleophilic substitution (SN1 and SN2) including stereochemistry and effect of solvent
=> Substitution vs eleimination
=> Mechanism of Aromatic nucleophilic substitution rection including benzyne mechanism
=> Relative reactivity of alkyl/allyl/benzyl, vinyl and aryl halides
=> All name reactions and their mechanism:
Bouvelt Blanc reduction
Reimer Tiemann reaction
Kolbe's Schimdt reaction
Fries rearrangement
Claisen rearrangement
Aldol and Benzoin condensation
Knoevenagel condensation
Perkin reaction
Cannizaro's reaction
Wittig reaction
Backmann rearrangement
Haloform reaction
Baeyer Villiger oxidation
Wolf kishner and clemensen's reduction
MPV reduction
Pinacole - pinacolone rearangement
Michael addition
Claisen condensation
Dickmannn and reformatsky reaction
Hofmann bromamide reaction
Curtius rearrangement
=> Distinction between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols
=> Preparation of phenol
=> Ring substitution and reactivity in phenol
=> Epoxides : prepration and reaction
=> Reactivity between aldehydes and ketones towards nucleophilic addition reaction
=> Mechanism of carbonyl group and amonia derivative (Addition - Elimination reaction).
=> Synthetic application of diethyl malonate and ethyl aceto aceto acetate
=> hydrolysis of ester
=> Derivation of phase rule
=> Definition of phase component and DOF with example
=> Water system
=> Sulphur system
=>Ag-Pb system
=> Congruent m.p
=> Gibb's duhem - Margules equation: Derivation and application
=> Azeotropes
=> Nernst Distribution
=> Second order rate constant derivation
=> First order rate constant derivation
=> Methods of determination of orders
=> Opposing , parallel and consecutive reaction
=> Arrhenius equation
=> Michaelis Menten mechanism
=>Adsorption isotherm
=> Various types of catalysts
Wish you Best of your ability .....
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