Best 15 Ways To Improve Your Communication Skills.

B. Bikash
By -

Enhance your Communication Skills By Simple methods

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   Communication is a very important skills in our day to day life . Good communication helps us many times. From personal relationship to professional situations, the ability to effectively communicate our thoughts, ideas and feelings is crucial to success. Many people struggle with it, whether due to shyness , insecurity, anxiety or simply lack of experience.
The good thing is communication is a skills you can improve it by practice ,dedication and efforts. In this article we will explore some strategies and techniques.

1.Active Listening:
It is very important  for an effective communication. Listening is not only hearing someone but understanding one's prospectives. Avoid interruptions carefully listen and make good eye contacts. make them feel good and  think internally what is best answer of that questions. For clarity purpose you can question them. Make a good relationships and avoid misunderstanding.

2.Be Concise And Clear: Important thing is not what you are saying to others but what they understand.

So do not use complex and technical terms instead you can use simple and small sentences. If you are writing emails or giving a presentation use headings and describe it in concise  manner. Being clear and concise helps to ensure that your information is understood and remembered.

3.  Be Assertive and Active voice: Being assertive in communication is positive indicates. It shows credibility and trust so be confident active . Do not use passive or aggressive words , do it in a gentle manner. Establish a strong healthy relationship.

4. Be Mindful Of Your Audience:   Try to ask about your audience background and their preferences. Understand their needs, likes, dislikes. Make a good eye contact, give smiles, make a good tone according to situations. Do it engage so that audience feel good and friendly.

5. Develop A Workplace Communication Strategy Today’s workplace is a constant flow of information across a wide variety of formats. Every single communication must be understood in the context of that larger flow of information.

Even the most effective communicator may find it difficult to get their message across without a workplace communication strategy.

A communication strategy is the framework within which your business conveys and receives information. It can—and should—outline how and what you communicate to customers and clients, stakeholders, and managers and employees. 

Starting most broadly, your strategy should incorporate who gets what message and when. This ensures that everyone receives the correct information at the right time. 

It can be as detailed as how you communicate, including defining the type of tools you use for which information. For example, you may define when it’s appropriate to use a group chat for the entire team or organization or when a meeting should have been summarized in an email instead. 

Creating basic guidelines like this can streamline the flow of information. It will help ensure that everyone gets the details they need and that important knowledge isn’t overwhelmed by extraneous minutia.
6. Right Frame Of Mind: when you are communicating make sure that you are in mindful condition. Anger, tired , weakness, frustrations, sadness any other emotions may hamper your communication. Before that you should go in a positive mindset or at least in neutral.

7. Always Proofread: People usually assume that that they do not have any mistakes and errors in written communications but you do not do that after writing take a break suddenly you can not find mistakes. After a break just read carefully. Make sure that you are correct.

8. Be Open Minded:   When you are talking be open minded that means do not assume any beliefs or information. Try to understanding their point of views what they are trying to say it may be something new informations. It makes a good conversations.

9. Build Emotional Intelligence:
First you need to understand your emotions deep within how they triggers and which signs our mind perceives so that you can do like that in a good eye contact , body language , appropriate voice tones, facial expressions and more. Through this you can impress your audiences.

10. Avoid Making Assumption:  The biggest barrier is people always think that they can understand others feelings and understand others prospective, it may cause conflicts and misunderstanding. So ask questions and make clarity, by this you can do a effective communications.

11.  Take Notes:   Take notes of points when you are talking, by this simple method you can ensure that there is no miscommunication.

12. Practice Empathy:  it is the ability to understand others feelings and emotions. Do not react to their emotions stay calm and cool try to understand them. Make them feel good by acknowledge the situations and try to help them. Be helpful and make a good relationship.

13.  Positive    work Culture Building: Effective communication also heavily depends on the company culture you are communicating in. 

Communication will be simpler and more efficient in a productive workplace that is built on open discourse, empathy, and openness. 

If workers trust their management, they will be more receptive to hearing what they have to say. Additionally, if managers support their staff in speaking up, making suggestions, and even making constructive criticism of their own, it will be simpler for them to gain buy-in and even to provide it.
The recommendations and critiques of authoritative managers who withhold information, close themselves off to suggestions, and fail to own up to errors and accept criticism are likely to be addressed with defensiveness or even go unanswered. 

Without that foundation of openness and trust, even the most minor of communications might be interpreted incorrectly, resulting in misunderstandings and unneeded confrontation.

There will always be difficulties in speaking with coworkers and employees. Misunderstandings and miscommunications must constantly be cleared up, and corporate messages are often not what we want to hear, especially in trying times.

However, developing and mastering effective communication skills will make your job as a leader simpler, even in the face of challenging conversations. It will be time well-spent to take the time to develop these talents.

14. Ask Feedback:
Asking feedback is the best way to improve yourself . You can ask your friends, family members, colleagues . They will feedback you and give right criticism which will helps to improve your communications.

15.  Direct Speaking:  As you all know that Chinese whispers which makes miscommunication and conflicts. So if you are in an organisation avoid all these needless things ask them directly in a polite manner and do a healthy conversation. 

By all these simple methods you can be a good communicator.
Wish you all the very best , Thank You. 


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