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Notes On Gaseous State (BSc and Integrated Standard For all Concerned Entrance Examination)

 Notes On Gaseous State      This page provides you all details about the gaseous state of BSc standard. Concerned problems will be solved at the end of each concept. Continue till the end to find the easiest explanation of every concept you need in this regard . Postulates of Kinetic Theory of Gases: 1. All gas consist of a very large number of minute particles, called molecules.  2. The gas molecules are extremely small in size and are separated by large distance. The actual volume of the gas molecules is thus negligible as compared to the total volume occupied by the gas.  3. The pressure exerted by the gas is due to the bombardment of the molecules on the walls of the vessel.  4. The gas molecules collide with one another and also with the walls of the vessels. These collisions are perfectly elastic and there is no loss of energy during these collisions.  5. The distance between the gas molecules are very large. Thus, there is no effective force of attraction or r

How To Deal With Difficult Exam Questions.

Approach Difficult Questions Smartly


Dealing with difficult exam questions can be a challenging task, but there are several strategies that you can use to approach them in an effective way. Here are some tips to help you prepare for and tackle difficult exam questions:

1. Prepare in advance: One of the best ways to deal with difficult exam questions is to prepare well in advance. This means studying consistently throughout the semester or term, reviewing class notes and textbooks regularly, and practicing past exam questions. By being well-prepared, you will have a better understanding of the material, which will make it easier to answer difficult questions.

2. Study regularly: Regular studying and review of the course material can help you understand the subject matter more deeply and be better prepared to tackle difficult exam questions.

3. Read the question carefully: Make sure you understand exactly what the question is asking. Read it multiple times if necessary and underline the key words.

4. Use your knowledge: Draw on your knowledge of the subject matter to answer the question. Think about what you have learned in class or through your own reading and research, and try to apply this knowledge to the question at hand.

5. Don't panic: It is natural to feel anxious or overwhelmed when faced with a difficult exam question, but try not to panic. Take a deep breath, stay calm, and focus on the task at hand. Remember that you have prepared for this moment and you have the knowledge and skills to succeed.

6. Use your time wisely: Time management is crucial when dealing with difficult exam questions. Make sure you allocate your time effectively, spending more time on questions that are worth more points and leaving yourself enough time to review your answers before submitting your exam.

7. Practice with past exams: Reviewing past exams and practicing similar questions can help you understand the types of questions that might be asked and the level of difficulty you can expect.

8. Ask questions: Don't hesitate to ask your teachers or professors for help when you encounter difficult concepts or questions. They can provide additional explanations or clarify any doubts you may have.

9. Develop a strategy: Before the exam, take some time to plan out how you will approach difficult questions. This can include allocating a certain amount of time to each question, identifying key words or phrases in the question, and breaking down complex questions into smaller, more manageable parts.

10. Break down the question: If the question is complex, break it down into smaller parts. Identify what the question is asking for and what information you need to answer it.

11. Manage your time: Don't spend too much time on one question, especially if it is particularly difficult. Move on to easier questions and come back to the difficult ones later.

12. Use your resources: If you are allowed to use resources such as a calculator or a formula sheet, make sure you use them to their fullest potential.

13. Eliminate incorrect answers: If you are stuck between two or more options, try to eliminate any that are obviously incorrect.

14. Stay calm and focused: Don't let difficult questions distract you or cause you to panic. Take deep breaths and stay focused on the task at hand.

15. Practice, practice, practice: The more practice you have answering difficult exam questions, the more comfortable you will become with them. Work on practice problems or past exams to help you build your skills and confidence.

Remember, difficult questions are designed to challenge you, but they are not impossible. With the right mindset and strategies, you can tackle them successfully.

Overall, dealing with difficult exam questions requires a combination of preparation, strategy, and composure under pressure. By taking these steps in advance, you can feel more confident and better equipped to tackle even the toughest exam questions

By following these tips, you can approach difficult exam questions with confidence and increase your chances of success. Remember that preparation, careful reading, and the effective use of your knowledge and time are key to answering even the most challenging exam questions.


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