How to qualify CUET (UG/PG) Entrance Examinations

K. Pratap
By -

 Tips for cracking CUET (UG/PG) Entrance Examinations

1. Identify your strength and weakness according to your syllabus of CUET Entrance: Take a good look into every part of the entrance syllabus to determine which part you are weak or strong in. Once you are done, test your Conceptual and Numerical ability in each of your strong part. Make your concepts too strong to understand the question properly, evaluate a method to solve it quickly and be able to solve any type of problem. Above all "Born the quality of good habits in you for academic success."

2. No need to cover whole of the syllabus: See statistics of previous entrance examinations to get the topics from which questions are asked frequently. Judge the level of hardness of questions and prepare yourself to that level.

3. Do self examination: Analyse the previous year CUET question papers Carefully. Appear in very similar tests (VST) as more as you can and examine your ability, patience, accuracy and faults. Prepare yourself for the main examination in this way. Also find here Chapterwise IIT JAM Chemistry questions and solutions.

During Examination:

1. Reduce careless errors: In MCQ type questions sometimes all the 3 options may be correct having the 4th option as "all of the above". In this type of questions, you need to be careful to select the 4th option.

Next unfortunate mistake students often do is wrong reading. For example, reading 1.12 as 11.2 or reading 105 as 106 etc.

You may also forget answering a question though you have evaluated it. So answer each question (one at a time) as soon as you evaluate it. Don't go for working out a number of problems all together and then choosing the corresponding options; instead do them in one by one method.

Be careful while choosing the right option, otherwise you will repent for evaluating right answer but choosing a different option.

2. Stay Cool: Remain cool and relaxed inside examination hall to avoid forgetting values of various constants or forgetting some concepts when you see some tough questions. All these happen when you face some tough questions form the beginning. Have a confidence that these questions can also be answered by little concentration but solve those which are easier to you.

3.  Improve time management: Do regular practice from previous year question paper to measure the average time you are taking to solve questions. You should gradually improve continuously in this respect. The most important thing is, "How you manage your time and increase your productivity!"

Keep it in your mind, that if you are to answer more than one section, and should qualify in each then give equal justice to each.

4. Improve speed and accuracy: Only being fast is not the goal, rather you need to achieve accuracy. Your approach and mathematical path must be accurate. By this way you can score well. While doing the math take care of silly mistakes.

Thank you so much for reading this valuable content. Kindly visit and share our page. Best of your ability in coming CUET EXAMINATION.

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