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Notes On Gaseous State (BSc and Integrated Standard For all Concerned Entrance Examination)

 Notes On Gaseous State      This page provides you all details about the gaseous state of BSc standard. Concerned problems will be solved at the end of each concept. Continue till the end to find the easiest explanation of every concept you need in this regard . Postulates of Kinetic Theory of Gases: 1. All gas consist of a very large number of minute particles, called molecules.  2. The gas molecules are extremely small in size and are separated by large distance. The actual volume of the gas molecules is thus negligible as compared to the total volume occupied by the gas.  3. The pressure exerted by the gas is due to the bombardment of the molecules on the walls of the vessel.  4. The gas molecules collide with one another and also with the walls of the vessels. These collisions are perfectly elastic and there is no loss of energy during these collisions.  5. The distance between the gas molecules are very large. Thus, there is no effective force of attraction or r

Soul of chemistry announces free courses on account of Earth Day

Earth Day and Free Courses on Our App 

We can consider Earth Day as the most important event in a year which is celebrated on April 22 to demonstrate support for environment protection. This was first celebrated on April 22, 1970.

If you love our Earth and want to save our earth, then kindly read the article till the end and act accordingly.

Its very clear that "A Healthy Earth implies a healthy Environment".
Since long, we are trying to live in comfort, for which we  have been consuming the environment at an unexpected accelerated rate. Our environment is now in a miserable condition and can't serve us with its full potential. Our dream of living in comfort is going to be a day dream in coming days. If we don't respect the environment, environment also won't save us. As an example, we can add salt to water still saturation, beyond which no salt can be dissolved. Simlarly we can add a limited amount of garbage to the environment, an excess of garbage make the environment deformative.
As we know that everything has a threshold, beyond which the trend doesn't remain the same. Once we reach at the irreversible conditions of the healing of the environment, it will continue to deteriorate still it's destruction and we are not the exception. We live on earth and in its environment. We are trying to make a brief note of the trend how our environment has been deteriorated.
According to NOAA (National oceanic and atmospheric administartion, USA), the annual rate of increse in the atmospheric carbon dioxide level (Due to human activities) in last 60 years is about 100 times faster than the natural increase. The last covid pandemic could not also solve the increase partially. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the main reason of global warming. According to, Earth's temperature has risen by an average of 0.08 degree celcius per decade since 1880. But from 1981 the rate of warming (0.18 degree celcius per decade) sounds alarming as it is twice the rate said before. According to world health organisation "Air pollution level is rising in many of the Worl's poorest cities (3000 cities in 103 countries)". That means, populations in the low income cities are most affested by this pollution. As the pollution continues to increase diseases like heart disorder and lungs abnormality are increasing.
The main reason of long term shift in weather conditions is burning of fossil fuel like coal, oil and gas. Now people are experiencing the impact of climate change in a diverse ways such as sea level rise, salt water intrusion, lack of rain, unexpected shift in atmospheric temeperature etc. These infortunate incidents have created a new concept called "Climate refugee". Climate refugge refers to the people who change their location due to climate change.
There has been a considerble decrease in the stratospheric ozone  concentration (called Ozone layer depletion). Ozone prevents the harmful UV radiation from entering into Earth's inner atmosphere. UV radiation increase the risk of skin cancer and other abnormal diseases. Chlorofluoro carbons (CFCs) and Hydrofluoro carbons (HCFs) are the major cause of ozone depletion.

Realising the future devastations due to all the above facts we must be carefull, sincere and must take prper action. To tackle the climate crisis, United Nations suggests following 10 life style changes:

1. Save energy at home 
2. Walk, cycle or take public transport 
3. Eat more vegetables 
4. Consider your travel 
5. Throw less food 6. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle 
7. Change your home's source of energy 
8. Switch to an electric vehicle 
9. Make your money count 
10. Speak up
At the last, the most important activity that can save our earth is "Huge Plantation". In this concern, our App (Providing courses on BSc chemistry and IIT JAM Chemistry) has taken a unique step in healing the environment. Any student who plants 10 trees with sincere growing (them) plan can avail any of our course absolutely free. For this, the student has to send the image of planting trees to our Telegram Group ( He/She will have to download and install our App from play strore by searching Soul of Chemistry and provide his/her email.


You can contact through Whatsapp in the number 9556971104.

See you there. Thank you so much for reading the content to the end.


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