Tips and tactics for a successful attempt in IIT JAM Chemistry

K. Pratap
By -

 How to prepare for IIT JAM Chemistry

Follow the the following rules to make your exam smooth and successful.

1. Analyse your IITJAM Chemistry Syllabus Smartly: Read your syllabus bit by bit and proceed to prepare as follows:

1a. Take the statistics of previous year question papers: Find which types of questions are asked frequently. Which chapters are more important. Find chapter-wise previous year question papers and answers here

2. Find your strength and weakness: Get a clear map of the chapters you are strong and in which your are weak. Focus strongly in studying chapters and try to be able to attend all kind of questions in those chapters. Simultaneously read carefully to make your concepts strong in weak chapters and skip the weakest chapters. Learn to stay focused during long exams.  Also learn time management

3. Practice all kind of questions: MCQ (Multiple choice questions), MSQ (Multiple select questions), Numerical answer type questions etc. should be sufficiently practised.

On the examination day, reach the exam centre before an hour of the scheduled time.

What to do in the examination hall?

1. Read carefully: Always read the instructions given on the front page carefully and also read and understand the directions given to attempt a question. This way you can avoid any mistakes due to overconfidence.

2. Solve the easy question first: Easy questions in general saves a lot of time. So go for them first, and then try the next level.

3. Sometimes striking off the wrong options can give you the right options: Don't always search the right answer. When you strike off all the wrong options with surety then you get the rest as the right answer(s). This practice also helps you to avoid answering the first right option whereas the right option should be all of the above.

4. Don't waste excessive time on one question: If  in any case you are unable to answer any question, dont give much time to that instead try next question.

5. Try to attempt the leftover questions: If you get time, try the unattempted questions if any from the begining.

6. Keep a time check: Save time to check or revise your answers at the end.

7. Use Scribble pad: Use it for your rough work and noting down any points to answer a question.

8. Use virtual numerical keypad: In answering numerical answer type question, use virtual numerical keypad.

Best of your ability ......

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