Best 3 Powerful Methods To Reduce Chronic Stress.

B. Bikash
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 Learn How To Reduce Your Chronic Stress

Stress is a part of human experience , it is unavoidable which is why it is important to arm ourselves with tools to help us with the inevitable stressors that life throws as us . In this article we will cover 3 techniques  that you probably have not heard of before starting off.

Centering Yourself: 

A study was conducted in 2021 at the college of William and Marry by a team leaded by Dr. Stephanie. The researchers took 150 people  and had them  follow a schedule of regular centering meditation while keeping track of their stress level after fourn weeks the researchers  found that participants who stuck to the meditation had significantly reduced levels of stress as compared to the control group the participants also has more balanced mindful outlook on life now how exactly do we console ourselves well centering is actually based on an ancient Japanese meditation techniques to begin find somewhere to sit comfortably and close your eyes consciously . Try to relax all your muscles and turn your focus to center of your body right around your belly button. you can visualize whatever you want , here a glowing ball a black circle a pulse of energy whatever you want so as long you focus your mind on that specific spot by doing this you will able to calm yourself down by sticking to this you will able to put yourself in a good state to tracking the root couse of your stress, it is all about positive self talk , which bring us to second method which is to use the SSTA framework.

S.S.T.A. Framework : 

This is a stress management framework created by Dr. Arthur in the Zoo stand , SSTA stands for stop, slowdown , think, and act the next time you catch yourself stressing out by finding something to write now here is the important part you think by writing down your thoughts, goals  what is it, that you are stressing about and why you are feeling stress about it. Write down as much as you can think of doing this will allow you to visualize your current situation more clearly which then makes it much easier for you to come up with situations to act on by laying everything out you will have essentially created what is called a mind map which is a visual representation of the thoughts giving on in your mind studies have shown that our brain is very responsive to information presented in the form of mind map. It has been found to make it easier to think critically solves problems and come up with ideas  so by physically writting everything down you will be able to see the possible solutions to your problems with more clarity which ultimately allows your brain to relax and fell less stressed . Always use paper and pain.

Hot Water Immersion: 

 A  study at the university of Freeburg have participants regularly take hot bath over a period of 8 weeks they were immersed in hot water for at least 20 minutes at a time with the goal of raising the body's internal temperature by 1.7 degrees the researchers found that after 8 weeks participants represented improved moods and better emotional regulations when you are stressed  the levels of cortisol in your body are increased this leads to all sorts of problems such as insomnia lack of focus, and even digestive issues all of which can cause us to become even more stressed as we find it difficult to get our lives on track by raising your body temperature  through  the use of hot baths or saunas you will be able to  reduce your cortisol levels and finds it easier to relax and that is it these are 3 methods you can use to reduce your stressed levels . I hope you got your answers after reading this articles. Stay Tuned. Wish you all the very best. Thank You.


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