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Notes On Gaseous State (BSc and Integrated Standard For all Concerned Entrance Examination)

 Notes On Gaseous State      This page provides you all details about the gaseous state of BSc standard. Concerned problems will be solved at the end of each concept. Continue till the end to find the easiest explanation of every concept you need in this regard . Postulates of Kinetic Theory of Gases: 1. All gas consist of a very large number of minute particles, called molecules.  2. The gas molecules are extremely small in size and are separated by large distance. The actual volume of the gas molecules is thus negligible as compared to the total volume occupied by the gas.  3. The pressure exerted by the gas is due to the bombardment of the molecules on the walls of the vessel.  4. The gas molecules collide with one another and also with the walls of the vessels. These collisions are perfectly elastic and there is no loss of energy during these collisions.  5. The distance between the gas molecules are very large. Thus, there is no effective force of attraction or r

Introduction Organic Chemistry - Simplified Notes

 Organic Chemistry: Ideas you should atleast have.

 all these things in Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that focuses on the study of carbon compounds and their properties. It plays a vital role in understanding the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and synthesis of organic molecules. This field is essential in various scientific disciplines, including medicine, pharmaceuticals, materials science, and biochemistry.

Carbon: The Basis of Organic Chemistry

  • Carbon is a unique element that forms the backbone of organic molecules. It has four valence electrons, allowing it to form stable covalent bonds with other elements, including carbon itself. This ability to form diverse bonds contributes to the immense complexity and versatility of organic compounds.
  • Carbon is a fundamental element that serves as the building block for organic chemistry. It plays a crucial role in understanding the properties and behavior of organic compounds. Let's delve into the significance of carbon in organic chemistry.

Carbon's Unique Properties:

Carbon is special because it has four valence electrons, which are the electrons involved in bonding with other atoms. This allows carbon to form strong covalent bonds with other elements, including carbon itself. Carbon can share its electrons with other atoms, creating stable connections and forming a wide range of complex molecules. 
Carbon Bonding:
Carbon atoms can form different types of bonds, including single, double, and triple bonds with other carbon atoms or other elements. These bonds can be linear or form angles, leading to diverse molecular structures. The arrangement and type of bonds greatly influence the properties and reactivity of organic compounds.

Organic Compounds:

  • Organic compounds are chemical substances primarily composed of carbon atoms bonded to other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and halogens. Carbon serves as the backbone of organic molecules, providing a framework for the arrangement of other atoms and functional groups.

Versatility and Diversity:

  • The ability of carbon to form strong bonds and create a variety of molecular structures gives rise to the incredible diversity of organic compounds. Carbon's bonding versatility allows it to form long chains, branched structures, rings, and complex three-dimensional shapes. This versatility gives organic compounds their wide range of properties and functions.

Functional Groups:

  • Specific part (made from atoms and bonds) of a family of organic compounds which show similar chemical behaviour is called the functional group. This functional group give the family of organic compounds a unique chemical properties. Examples of functional groups include hydroxyl (-OH), carbonyl (C=O), and amino (-NH2) and others. These groups determine how organic compounds react and behave in different situations.

Importance in Life:

  • Carbon-based compounds are the foundation of life on Earth. All living organisms, including humans, plants, and animals, are composed of complex carbon compounds. The structures and functions of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids—the building blocks of life—are all based on carbon chemistry.


  • Carbon is the cornerstone of organic chemistry, owing to its unique properties and bonding capabilities. Its ability to form a wide array of compounds with diverse structures and functions allows for the exploration of countless scientific and practical applications. Understanding carbon's role in organic chemistry opens the door to advancements in medicine, materials, and other fields that impact our daily lives.


  • Isomerism refers to the phenomenon where two or more organic compounds have the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements or spatial orientations. There are two main types of isomerism: structural isomerism (different connectivity of atoms) and stereoisomerism (different spatial arrangement of atoms).
  • Isomerism is a concept in organic chemistry where compounds have the same molecular formula but differ in their structure or spatial arrangement. Isomerism plays a crucial role in understanding the diversity and complexity of organic compounds. Let's explore the different types of isomerism in simple terms.

Structural Isomerism:

  • Structural isomerism occurs when compounds have the same molecular formula but differ in the arrangement of their atoms. These isomers may have different connectivity of atoms or different functional groups. There are three common types of structural isomers:
  • a. Chain Isomerism: In chain isomerism, the carbon skeleton or the main chain of atoms differs between isomers. It can involve straight chains, branched chains, or cyclic structures.
  • b. Position Isomerism: Position isomerism refers to isomers that have the same carbon skeleton but differ in the position of functional groups or substituents on the chain.
  • c. Functional Group Isomerism: Functional group isomerism occurs when compounds have the same molecular formula but contain different functional groups. For example, a compound with the formula C3H6O can exist as both an aldehyde and a ketone.


  • Stereoisomerism arises from the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule. It occurs when compounds have the same connectivity of atoms but differ in their three-dimensional orientation. There are two main types of stereoisomerism:
  • a. Geometric (Cis-Trans) Isomerism: Geometric isomers occur when two different groups are attached to each carbon of a carbon-carbon double bond, resulting in restricted rotation. If the groups are on the same side, it is called a cis-isomer, whereas if they are on opposite sides, it is a trans-isomer.
  • b. Optical Isomerism (Enantiomerism): Optical isomerism arises when compounds have a chiral center, which is a carbon atom bonded to four different groups. Enantiomers are mirror images of each other, just like our left and right hands. They have the same physical and chemical properties, except for their interaction with polarized light.

Importance of Isomerism:

  • Isomerism is vital in organic chemistry because isomers can exhibit different physical, chemical, and biological properties. These differences have significant implications in fields such as drug development, where different isomers of a molecule can have varying effects on the body. Isomerism also allows chemists to design and synthesize compounds with specific properties and functions.


  • Isomerism is a fundamental concept in organic chemistry, describing the phenomenon where compounds have the same molecular formula but differ in structure or spatial arrangement. Structural isomerism involves differences in connectivity or functional groups, while stereoisomerism relates to variations in three-dimensional orientation. Understanding isomerism helps us appreciate the vast diversity and complexity of organic compounds and facilitates advancements in various scientific and practical applications.

Bonding in Organic Compounds:

  • Organic compounds primarily consist of covalent bonds, where electrons are shared between atoms. Carbon atoms often form single, double, or triple bonds with other atoms, such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and halogens. Multiple bond formations greatly influence the reactivity and chemical properties of organic molecules.
  • Understanding the bonding in organic compounds is essential in organic chemistry. The way carbon atoms form bonds with other elements influences the structure, reactivity, and properties of organic molecules. Let's explore the basics of bonding in organic compounds.

Covalent Bonding:

  • Organic compounds primarily consist of covalent bonds. Covalent bonding occurs when atoms share electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. Carbon atoms can form covalent bonds by sharing electrons with other carbon atoms or other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and halogens.

Carbon-Carbon Bonds:

  • Carbon atoms can form single, double, or triple bonds with other carbon atoms. A single bond involves sharing one pair of electrons, a double bond involves sharing two pairs of electrons, and a triple bond involves sharing three pairs of electrons. The type and number of bonds between carbon atoms determine the structure and properties of organic compounds.

Carbon-Hydrogen Bonds:

  • Carbon atoms often form bonds with hydrogen atoms, resulting in carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bonds. These bonds are typically single bonds and play a crucial role in organic compounds. Carbon-hydrogen bonds provide stability and contribute to the overall structure and reactivity of organic molecules.

Functional Groups:

  • Functional groups are specific arrangements of atoms within organic compounds that determine their chemical behavior and reactivity. These groups contain atoms such as oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and halogens bonded to carbon. Functional groups greatly influence the properties and reactivity of organic compounds, allowing for a wide range of chemical reactions.

Polarity of Bonds:

  • Bonds in organic compounds can be polar or nonpolar. A polar bond occurs when there is an unequal sharing of electrons between atoms due to differences in electronegativity. In organic molecules, the presence of atoms with different electronegativities, such as oxygen or nitrogen, can lead to polar bonds. Nonpolar bonds occur when there is an equal sharing of electrons between atoms.


  • Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when a molecule can have different arrangements of double bonds or lone pairs of electrons. These resonance structures contribute to the stability and reactivity of organic compounds. Resonance allows for delocalization of electrons, making the compound more stable than if it had a single structure.


  • Hybridization refers to the mixing of atomic orbitals to form new orbitals with different characteristics. In organic compounds, carbon atoms often undergo sp3 hybridization, where the carbon atom forms four sigma bonds in a tetrahedral arrangement. This hybridization allows carbon to bond with other atoms and create a diverse range of organic molecules.

Intermolecular Forces:

  • Intermolecular forces are attractions between molecules that influence their physical properties, such as boiling point, melting point, and solubility. Organic compounds can exhibit various intermolecular forces, including van der Waals forces, dipole-dipole interactions, and hydrogen bonding. These forces determine the behavior of organic compounds in different environments.


  • Understanding the bonding in organic compounds is essential for comprehending the structure, reactivity, and properties of organic molecules. Covalent bonding, carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds, functional groups, polarity, resonance, hybridization, and intermolecular forces all contribute to the complexity and diversity of organic compounds. By studying bonding in organic chemistry, scientists can unravel the intricacies of organic compounds and utilize this knowledge in fields such as medicine, materials science, and biochemistry.


  • Naming organic compounds follows a systematic set of rules established by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). These rules ensure consistent and unambiguous identification of organic molecules based on their structure and functional groups. Nomenclature provides a standardized language for organic chemists to communicate and study compounds effectively.
  • Nomenclature in organic chemistry refers to the systematic naming of organic compounds. It provides a standardized way to identify and communicate the structure and composition of organic molecules. Understanding nomenclature is essential for effective communication and studying organic compounds. Let's explore the key aspects of nomenclature in organic chemistry.

IUPAC System:

  • The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has established a set of rules for naming organic compounds. These rules ensure consistency and clarity in the naming process. The IUPAC system is widely accepted and used by chemists worldwide.

Hydrocarbon Chains:

  • Hydrocarbons are organic compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The naming of hydrocarbon chains follows specific guidelines:
  • Count the number of carbon atoms in the longest continuous chain. This chain is known as the parent chain.
  • Use prefixes such as meth-, eth-, prop-, but-, etc., to indicate the number of carbon atoms in the parent chain.
  • Add the suffix -ane to indicate that the compound is an alkane (a hydrocarbon with single bonds).

For example:

  • A hydrocarbon chain with one carbon atom is called methane.
  • A hydrocarbon chain with two carbon atoms is called ethane.
  • A hydrocarbon chain with three carbon atoms is called propane, and so on.

Functional Groups:

  • Functional groups are specific arrangements of atoms within organic molecules that determine their chemical properties. When naming compounds with functional groups, the following steps are typically followed:
  • Identify the longest continuous chain that contains the functional group and assign it as the parent chain.
  • Number the carbon atoms in the parent chain to give the functional group the lowest possible number.
  • Use appropriate prefixes and suffixes to indicate the functional group present in the compound.

For example:

  • An alcohol functional group is indicated by the suffix -ol. So, a compound with a hydroxyl group (OH) attached to the parent chain is called an alcohol.
  • An aldehyde functional group is indicated by the suffix -al. So, a compound with a carbonyl group (C=O) at the end of the parent chain is called an aldehyde.


  • Substituents are groups or atoms attached to the parent chain. They are named using prefixes such as methyl, ethyl, propyl, etc. Substituents are assigned a specific number based on their position on the parent chain.

For example:

  • A compound with a methyl group (CH3) attached to the parent chain is called methyl-substituted.

Isomerism and Stereochemistry:

  • Isomerism occurs when compounds have the same molecular formula but differ in their structural arrangement. Stereochemistry focuses on the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms within organic molecules.
  • Isomers are named based on the priority of functional groups and their position on the parent chain.
  • Stereoisomers, such as enantiomers, have the same connectivity but differ in their spatial arrangement. They are typically named using the R/S system.


  • Nomenclature in organic chemistry provides a systematic way to name and identify organic compounds. Understanding the rules of nomenclature allows chemists to communicate effectively and study organic molecules accurately. The IUPAC system ensures consistency and clarity in naming, enabling efficient research, drug development, and other applications in the field of organic chemistry.

Reactions in Organic Chemistry:

  • Organic reactions involve the breaking and formation of covalent bonds in organic molecules. Various reaction types exist, such as addition, elimination, substitution, and rearrangement reactions. Understanding these reactions allows chemists to synthesize new compounds, modify existing ones, and explore their potential applications.
  • Organic chemistry deals with the study of carbon compounds, their properties, structure, and reactions. Reactions in organic chemistry involve the transformation of organic molecules through various chemical processes. Understanding these reactions is crucial for scientists and chemists to design new compounds, synthesize drugs, and develop materials. In this set of notes, we will cover some important reactions in organic chemistry.

Substitution Reactions:

  • Substitution reactions involve the replacement of an atom or a group in a molecule with another atom or group. There are two main types of substitution reactions:

a) Nucleophilic Substitution:

  • Nucleophilic substitution occurs when a nucleophile attacks an electron-deficient carbon atom. The nucleophile donates a pair of electrons to form a new bond, resulting in the displacement of another atom or group. Common nucleophiles include hydroxide ions (OH-), amines (NH3), and halides (Cl-, Br-, I-).

b) Electrophilic Substitution:

  • Electrophilic substitution takes place when an electrophile attacks an electron-rich carbon atom. The electrophile accepts a pair of electrons to form a new bond, leading to the displacement of another atom or group. Common electrophiles include halogens (Cl2, Br2), nitronium ion (NO2+), and carbocations (+C).

Addition Reactions:

  • Addition reactions involve the addition of atoms or groups to unsaturated organic molecules, such as alkenes and alkynes. The double or triple bonds break, and new bonds are formed with the added species. Examples of addition reactions include:

a) Hydrogenation:

  • Hydrogenation is the addition of hydrogen (H2) to an alkene or alkyne in the presence of a catalyst (e.g., platinum, palladium). This reaction converts the double or triple bond into a single bond.

b) Halogenation:

  • Halogenation occurs when a halogen (e.g., Cl2, Br2) adds to an alkene or alkyne. The double or triple bond breaks, and the halogen atoms replace the unsaturated carbon atoms.

Elimination Reactions:

  • Elimination reactions involve the removal of atoms or groups from a molecule, resulting in the formation of a double bond. The two common types of elimination reactions are:

a) Dehydration:

  • Dehydration is the elimination of water (H2O) from a molecule. It typically occurs when an alcohol loses a water molecule to form an alkene in the presence of an acid catalyst.

b) Dehydrohalogenation:

  • Dehydrohalogenation involves the removal of a hydrogen halide (e.g., HCl, HBr) from an alkyl halide, resulting in the formation of an alkene.

Oxidation and Reduction Reactions:

  • Oxidation and reduction reactions are essential in organic chemistry, allowing the conversion of functional groups and determination of oxidation states.

a) Oxidation:

  • Oxidation reactions involve the gain of oxygen, loss of hydrogen, or an increase in the oxidation state of carbon. Oxidizing agents like potassium permanganate (KMnO4) and chromic acid (H2CrO4) are commonly used.

b) Reduction:

  • Reduction reactions involve the gain of hydrogen, loss of oxygen, or a decrease in the oxidation state of carbon. Reducing agents like lithium aluminum hydride (LiAlH4) and sodium borohydride (NaBH4) are frequently employed.


  • Reactions in organic chemistry play a fundamental role in understanding and manipulating organic compounds. The reactions mentioned in these notes provide a foundation for further exploration into this vast field. 


  • Stereochemistry deals with the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms within organic molecules. It focuses on stereoisomers, which have the same connectivity but differ in spatial orientation. Important concepts in stereochemistry include chirality, enantiomers, diastereomers, and optical activity. Stereochemistry plays a crucial role in drug design, as enantiomers can have different biological effects.
  • Stereochemistry is a branch of organic chemistry that focuses on the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms within molecules. It deals with the study of how molecules are structured in space and how their spatial arrangement affects their chemical and biological properties.
  • In organic chemistry, molecules can exist as different isomers, which are compounds with the same molecular formula but differing spatial arrangements. Stereochemistry helps us understand the relationships between these isomers and how their distinct arrangements influence their behavior.
  • One fundamental concept in stereochemistry is chirality. Chiral molecules are non-superimposable on their mirror images, just like our left and right hands. Chirality arises when a molecule has an asymmetric carbon atom, also known as a chiral center. This chiral center is attached to four different groups or atoms. Molecules with a chiral center can exist in two mirror-image forms called enantiomers.
  • Enantiomers have identical physical properties, such as boiling points and melting points, but they differ in their interaction with plane-polarized light. They rotate the plane of polarized light either to the right (clockwise) or to the left (counterclockwise). Enantiomers also exhibit different biological activities and may have different effects on the human body. A well-known example is the drug thalidomide, where one enantiomer caused birth defects while the other was an effective sedative.
  • Another important concept in stereochemistry is diastereomers. Diastereomers are stereoisomers that are not mirror images of each other. They have different physical and chemical properties. Unlike enantiomers, diastereomers do not rotate plane-polarized light in equal but opposite directions.
  • One way to depict stereochemistry is through Fischer projections, which are simple two-dimensional representations of chiral molecules. In Fischer projections, vertical lines represent bonds coming out of the plane, toward you, while horizontal lines represent bonds going into the plane, away from you.
  • To determine the relationship between two molecules, we can use methods such as molecular modeling and X-ray crystallography. These techniques help us visualize the three-dimensional structure of molecules and understand their stereochemical properties.
  • Stereochemistry plays a crucial role in various fields, including drug development, materials science, and biochemistry. Understanding the spatial arrangement of molecules allows scientists to design more effective drugs, create new materials with specific properties, and unravel the mechanisms of biological processes.
  • In conclusion, stereochemistry is the study of the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in molecules. It explores the concept of chirality, enantiomers, and diastereomers. By understanding stereochemistry, scientists can gain insights into the behavior, properties, and interactions of organic compounds, leading to advancements in various scientific disciplines.

Organic Reagents and Techniques:

  • Organic chemists employ various reagents and techniques to carry out reactions and analyze compounds. Some common reagents include acids, bases, oxidizing agents, reducing agents, and catalysts. Techniques such as chromatography, spectroscopy (UV-Vis, IR, NMR), and mass spectrometry aid in compound identification, purification, and characterization.
  • Organic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the study of carbon compounds, their structures, properties, and reactions. Reagents and techniques play a vital role in organic chemistry, enabling chemists to manipulate and transform organic molecules. In this set of notes, we will explore some commonly used organic reagents and techniques, explaining their purposes and applications in simple terms.

Organic Reagents:

1.1. Acids and Bases:

  • Acids: Organic acids are compounds that release hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water. They are used to protonate (add H+) to certain functional groups.
  • Bases: Organic bases are compounds that accept protons (H+) and are used to deprotonate (remove H+) from specific functional groups.

1.2. Oxidizing Agents:

  • Oxidizing agents are reagents that facilitate oxidation reactions by accepting electrons from other compounds. Common oxidizing agents include potassium permanganate (KMnO4), chromic acid (H2CrO4), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).

1.3. Reducing Agents:

  • Reducing agents are reagents that facilitate reduction reactions by donating electrons to other compounds. Examples of reducing agents include sodium borohydride (NaBH4) and lithium aluminum hydride (LiAlH4).

1.4. Nucleophiles and Electrophiles:

  • Nucleophiles: Nucleophiles are electron-rich species that can donate electrons to form a new bond. They are used in substitution and addition reactions. Examples include hydroxide ions (OH-), amines (NH3), and alkoxides (RO-).
  • Electrophiles: Electrophiles are electron-deficient species that can accept electrons to form a new bond. They are involved in electrophilic aromatic substitution and addition reactions. Examples include carbocations (R+), acyl halides (RCOCl), and alkyl halides (R-X).

Organic Techniques:

2.1. Distillation:

  • Distillation is a technique used to separate and purify liquid mixtures based on their boiling points. The mixture is heated, and the component with the lower boiling point vaporizes first and is collected separately.

2.2. Extraction:

  • Extraction is a method used to separate a desired compound from a mixture using a suitable solvent. The compound of interest is selectively dissolved in the solvent, and the mixture is then separated by filtration or evaporation.

2.3. Chromatography:

  • Chromatography is a versatile technique used to separate and analyze complex mixtures. It involves the distribution of the mixture between two phases: a stationary phase and a mobile phase. The different components of the mixture interact differently with these phases, leading to their separation.

2.4. Filtration:

  • Filtration is a technique used to separate solid compounds from liquids or gases. The mixture is passed through a filter medium, such as filter paper or a porous material, allowing the liquid or gas to pass through while retaining the solid particles.

2.5. Recrystallization:

  • Recrystallization is a purification technique used to obtain a pure solid compound from a solid mixture. The compound is dissolved in a suitable solvent, and upon cooling, the pure compound crystallizes while impurities remain in solution.
  • Organic reagents and techniques provide chemists with the tools necessary to manipulate and transform organic compounds. By utilizing acids, bases, oxidizing agents, reducing agents, nucleophiles, and electrophiles, chemists can achieve a wide range of reactions. Techniques such as distillation, extraction, chromatography, filtration, and recrystallization enable the separation and purification of organic compounds. Understanding these reagents and techniques is fundamental to conducting successful organic chemistry experiments and advancing our knowledge in the field.


  • Organic chemistry explores the vast realm of carbon compounds, revealing their intricate structures, properties, and behaviors. Through the study of organic chemistry, scientists unlock the potential for developing new materials, medicines, and technologies that benefit society. Understanding the fundamentals of organic chemistry provides a foundation for further scientific advancements in numerous fields.


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