What do Americans and Indians study in their 11th and 12th standard science ?
Mechanics: Kinematics, Newton's laws of motion, forces, work, energy, and power.
Electricity and Magnetism: Electric circuits, electromagnetism, electrical energy, and electric fields.
Waves and Optics: Wave properties, sound, light, reflection, refraction, and lenses.
Chemical Reactions: Balancing equations, types of reactions, stoichiometry, and reaction rates.
Atomic Structure: Atomic models, electronic configurations, periodic trends, and chemical bonding.
Acids and Bases: pH scale, acid-base reactions, and calculations involving acids and bases.
Organic Chemistry: Basics of organic compounds, functional groups, and hydrocarbons.
Cell Biology: Cell structure, organelles, cell division, and cell processes.
Genetics: Mendelian genetics, inheritance patterns, DNA structure, and genetic engineering.
Evolution: Principles of evolution, natural selection, and evidence for evolution.
Ecology: Ecosystems, populations, community interactions, and environmental sustainability.
Quadratics and complex numbers, Polynomials, functions, expoinentials and logarithms, statistics and probality, Trigonomertric functions, mathematical modelling.
Here are some common topics covered in the science curriculum for Grade 12:
Advanced Mechanics: Kinematics, dynamics, rotational motion, gravitation, and orbital mechanics.
Electricity and Magnetism: Electrostatics, electric circuits, capacitance, magnetic fields, electromagnetic induction, and AC circuits.
Waves and Optics: Wave properties, interference, diffraction, polarization, and geometric optics.
Advanced Chemical Reactions: Equilibrium, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, acid-base equilibria, and electrochemistry.
Atomic Structure and Periodicity: Quantum mechanics, atomic structure, periodic trends, and bonding theories.
Organic Chemistry: Functional groups, reactions, stereochemistry, and organic synthesis.
Advanced Cell Biology: Cell signaling, cell cycle regulation, gene expression, and cellular respiration.
Molecular Genetics: DNA replication, transcription, translation, gene regulation, and genetic engineering.
Evolution and Biodiversity: Principles of evolution, speciation, population genetics, and biodiversity conservation.
Human Anatomy and Physiology: Systems of the human body, including the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and endocrine systems.
Environmental Science:
Environmental Systems: Earth's systems, energy flow, and nutrient cycling.
Environmental Issues and Solutions: Climate change, pollution, resource management, and sustainability.
Linear equations, probability distributions, sequence and series, vectors and operations, nature of graphs, conics, calculus. system of equations and inequalities.
On the other hand in India, 11th standard is called the Class 11. The Class 11 and 12 come under higher secondary education.
Here are some common topics covered in the science curriculum for class 11:
Units and Measurements
Motion in a Straight Line and Two-Dimensional Motion
Laws of Motion
Work, Energy, and Power
Mechanical Properties of Solids and Fluids
Oscillations and Waves
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Structure of Atom
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
Redox Reactions
Hydrogen and its Compounds
s-Block Elements
Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principles and Techniques
Diversity in Living Organisms
Structural Organization in Animals and Plants
Cell Structure and Function
Plant Physiology
Human Physiology
Genetics and Evolution
Biology and Human Welfare
Biotechnology and Its Applications
Ecology and Environment
Sets, Trigonometric function, relation and functions, complex number, quadratic equatyion, liner equation, permutations, combination , binomial theorem.
Here are some common topics covered in the science curriculum for Grade 12:
Electrostatics and Current Electricity
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
Electromagnetic Waves and Optics
Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
Atoms and Nuclei
Electronic Devices
Communication Systems
Solid State
Chemical Kinetics
Surface Chemistry
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
p-Block Elements
d- and f-Block Elements
Coordination Compounds
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Chemistry in Everyday Life
Reproduction in Organisms
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Human Reproduction
Reproductive Health
Principles of Inheritance and Variation
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Human Health and Disease
Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
Microbes in Human Welfare
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
Biotechnology and its Applications
Organisms and Populations
Biodiversity and Conservation
Environmental Issues
Relation and functions, Inverse trigonometric functions, Calculus, vector and three dimensional geometry, linerar programming, Internal assesment.
In conclusion, both in US and India the 11th and 12th standard syllabus are similar. But it depends on the school, teacher and board, how deep they will bew taught.
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